Ch 29| burning up. |

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" But Y/n... I've missed you. Why did you leave?" My mom asks.

I want to say it, but, the words can't come out.

I want to start from day one.

The forest.. my ankle..

They can't come out! Why?...

Has Yuuki really messed me up?

She realises i can't say the exact reason, she pats my hand.

"have i even told you about me and your Dad? Like, the truth?"

Truth?! Huh?... But i thought that..

"What do you mean?" i say, nervously  sipping on the tea she gave us.

"when i was younger, i grew up not all that good. Then, i met your Dad, and he was just like me."

"knowing that my parents wouldn't care, we ran away together.."

"then we had you.. And he left. One day he left, saying that he was going to give us a better future.."

You could see the hurt in her eyes, as she zones out telling the story.

"mom.. I'm so sorry."

"Ms. (L/n).."

"he still haven't even wrote or called.." she says.

"and so i thought.. You did the same

I laugh nervously.

"i literally would never! Especially with him... Gross." i say, then Yuuki scoffs.

"I would always come for you mom."
I say, then hold her hand.

[timeskip : driving to Yuuki's house.]

The car ride was quiet.

"why aren't you talking? You know i love to hear your voice~" Yuuki says.

"i don't know.. Im probably really tired."

Yuuki pats my head as we turn. He looks at me with his crimson eyes.

"i can always tell why your upset."

He puts hand on my cheek then trails down to my thigh. 

"you're scared that you'll never be able to tell your mom the real reason that you left. The real me." he says.

My heart sinks into my gut. How did he know my own feelings?

"as i said before, i know how you feel to the last detail. It feels like i could taste it."

"cause we're soulmates after all. I love that feeling darling."


"a-are you ok darling?! you're burning up!" Yuuki says, feeling my forehead.

"I'm fine Yuuki.. Im just a little stressed out.. From i don't know what.."

"you're not ok Y/n.. You're most likey sick! Come on, i'll run you a bath."

Yuuki takes my hand, leading me upstairs. We get to his bedroom, and he sits me down.

"stay here and rest. Ill come back."


My head feels fuzzy. Im twitching a little, but i just feel not good.

I just want to go home. I want to feel.. Safe again..

"darling.. Come. Your bath is ready."

He grabs my hand, helping me up. I look over to him, he smiles. I give him a weak smile back.

"Ill help you feel better ok?"

As we get to the bathroom, the tub is filled with warm water.

"give me your clothes. Ill get you a towel and new ones. "

I take off my clothes, to realise Yuuki's watching my every move.

"stop staring at me perv." i say.

"you're burning up, but still have the energy to talk back... amazing." he says, taking my clothes.

He leaves the room, and i get in the bath.

Its so warm.. Like all my stress is going away.

It feels like im melting..

I soak in the bath for awhile, and Yuuki comes in with the stuff.

"have a nice time sweetheart."

He was about to leave, but i felt alone. Like he was leaving me forever.



"dont leave.. Please."

"intresting. What? Do you want me to join you?" he asks..

That didn't sound to bad right now.

"Yes...Please.." i say, flustered..

He smirks, and sets down the stuff.

"if you insist.."

He takes of his shirt, and i close my eyes.

He chuckles.

"open up sweetheart, you've seen everything already."

I open, and look away.

"still not looking huh?"

He comes insides the tub, and puts his chest on top of mine.

I get flustered, and he knows. He kisses my cheek, then my lips.

"you look very pretty like this. All flustered and hot."

"b-be quiet. And you're so close!"

He interlocks his fingers with mine, and smirks.

"so what? You going to arrest me for being this close? Hm?"

He chuckles, then kisses my neck. I twitch, and i could feel his smile on my skin.

He goes down to my collarbone, and sucks on it.

I moan softly, and he stops.

"w-why did you stop?"

"why? Do you want me to keep going?"


"oh my~ someone likes the attention i give her~"

I scoff and roll my eyes.

"its just that you're warm. I like the feeling"

A/n- yall, i need writing ideas. I have nothing (๐•̆ ·̭ •̆๐) so please comment something !!

Also, read my new yandere book, cover your eyes!! Its kind of the same as Take your pills.

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