Ch 3|hide and seek|

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Oh no... How am i suppost to play hide and seek with a broken ankle?!

"you can go anywhere in this house, ill allow it. If i win, and i find you, i can do any i want with your body. If you win, youll get to leave."

I dont say anything, then agree by nodding my head.

"ill count to 50, ok?" yuuki says.

I nod my head again, and yuuki starts to count.


I get up immediately, i try to run up the stairs as fast as i can.

I get upstairs, and look, then hed to some random door. I open it and realise It's  a door to the garage.

"ok.." i say. I see a nice car and decided to hide behind it.

"this would probably be the best place for now.." i say while whispering.

After a decade passed, i hear a psycho,

"ready or not, here i come~"

Oh my days...

After a few close calls, you were convinced that he couldn't find you.

Then you hear a, creeeek.

Oh shi, he's here.

"my princess, found you." yuuki says while approaching where you were.

You feel yuuki grab you, and put you over his shoulder.

"found you, found you, found you!" yuuki says while giggling to himself.

After a minute of walking, yuuki put you on his bed.

" i thought i was going to lose for a second." yuuki says while crouching down to your level.

"oh wait, i win!" yuuki says.

"i get to do whatever i wan't to your body." he says.

His dark crimson red eyes stare at your body, full of lust and delusion.

He gets up and grabs a pill bottle from his desk.

"w-what do you need those for?" i say while looking at his pill bottle.

"you know, i'm sick;" he taps his side of his head, "here" .

"i take pills to keep me sane i guess." yuuki Explains.

He took a pill and dry swallowed it. He trembles a bit, then walks over to me.

"say it."

"say what?"

"i love you, yuuki!"

"....i love you...yuuki." i say while blushing a bit.

"i knew it, you do love me!!" yuuki giggles.

yuuki grabs my hand, and stares at me with his red eyes.

"i want to ask you questions"  i say.

"sure, anything for you, doll~" yuuki says

"when your birthday?"

"December 24th"

"what's your favourite color?"


"do you have parents?"


"next question, princess."

"uhm, what do you like most about me?"

"i love everything about you, i am your boyfriend after all."

"...what makes you mad?"

"when other people talk to you."

"enough questions dear." yuuki says.

Yuuki gets up and opens a drawer.

He takes out a knife, and climbs on top of me.

He takes of my skirt, and i turn red.

"y-you perv! What are you doing!" i say trying to kick him off.

"want me to break your other pretty ankle?"

I stay silent.

"didn't think so~" yuuki says while giggling to himself.

As he takes of my skirt, yuuki goes up to my inner thigh, and grabs his knife.

He starts to carve my thigh,

"y-u-u-k-i, yuuki!" yuuki says while carving my thigh open.

It was very painful, but i couldn't try to push him off.

"it looks so pretty, your mine now." yuuki says with his dark brown hair was in the way of his eyes.

"All mine~"

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