Ch 34 | kitchen |

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While i made dinner, Yuuki sits on the couch in the living room on his phone.

I was waiting for him to say something, like he always does.

Usually its something like how much he loves me, or how sad he was having only one class with me, but nothing.

"Hey, you feeling good or something?" i ask, a little curious about his random silence moment .

"I'm fine." Yuuki says, in a dull tone.

No pet name, no faking for attention, no passive aggressiveness, he was actually upset by something.

"no you're not." i say, walking up to him.

"two failed escape attempts, one broken ankle. You have no exuse to be sulking like a baby. I should."

He sighs, turns off his phone, and sets it down.

"are you replacing me?" He asks, and i get taken a back.

Are you crazy? Why would i? Youll probably gut them out before they make a move!

"what? Why would you ask this all of a sudden?"

"cause you probably like that Alec guy more than me. Am i not good enough for you?"

Yuuki gets up, and opens a pill container. He pops one in his mouth, and dry swallows.

"is this a rectorial question? I just met him today! I didn't even speak a full sentence to him before that class." i say.

"doesn't matter darling. You know that you and me are together. Why even talk to a boy?!" he exclaims.

If he ran the world, all men except for him would be locked in a cage.

"he asked me to be his partner! And you and me both know that i have no other friends in that class!"

He sighs, and leaves the living room and enters the kitchen area.

"theres no need to get jealous Yuuki..." i quietly say.

"im not jealous!! God darling, you're such a lizard."

"shut up Yuuki."

I walk back to the kitchen, and try to go back to the stove and i feel a hand touch mine.

Yuuki pulls me to him, and my back pulls into his chest. His long arms slender around my torso, and his face stuffed onto my shoulder.

"please don't replace me darling." he says quietly.

"if i say i wont, would you stop crying?" i say, putting my hands on top of his.

"I'm not crying. God, you're such a lizard darling..." he says.

He loves that phrase..

He lets go, and goes to the stove, and touches the hot pot of food.

"don't touch that with your--"

He licks the food off his fingers, and smiles.


I roll my eyes, and pull him out of the kitchen. I sit him down in the living room.

"sit, and don't move, ok?"

"If i let you back in the kitchen, you'll probably cut your leg off for your own amusement." i say.

I was about to walk away, and Yuuki's phone buzzes.

He gets up, and leaves the room.

[Yuuki's pov.]

I roll my eyes and scoff to see that name on the screen.



"Yuuki! My guy! Whats up?"

"what do you want, jackass?"

"so, uh, me and the gang need a place to chill for awhile, cause we got uh.. In a little altercation with a... opposite group.."

The voice changes to a more serious, deeper one. Arson.

"Xander decided to be stupid, and beat someone almost half to death cause they pushed him deliberately.. Turns out that they belong to a gang or something.."

"what does that have to do with me again? Just find a damn hotel.." i say.

The voice changes again, to a softer, shyer one.

"we chose to stay at your house because you live in the woods... I also want to see... Y/n again..." Zero says, quietly.

"Also, we're half way to your house."


"you could of told me this earlier, you dumbases..."

I sigh heavily.

"just- hurry up yeah?"

I hang up the phone and put my hand over my forehead. I sigh out again, and enter the kitchen.

"Darling, you know my friends that came over last time?"

She looks over at me, and nods while furrowing her eyebrows.

"they are coming over again, today..."

[your pov]

They aren't my favorite people, but they're not horrible..

"ok.. If you're comfortable with it.." i say, not all surprised.

I look up at him, and we make eye contact. His dark crimson eyes stare into mine, and he looks away.

"if you're ok with it, then I'm fine with it.. I dont care.." he says, turning a little red, then walking away. 

A/n! - God its me again...

Hi guys! Its been a month.

I was really sad without y'all, ( i miss my kids) and i wanted y'all to know that i didn't (try) to abandon you!

Yuuki jealously arc? Yes.

Anyways, i decided to bring the gang back together cause its been too long.

( I'm a xander stan 1000%)

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