Ch 11 | letters and roses |

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We turn, and start going to my house.

"one day, i'm going to take you for myself. No one will ever find us." Yuuki says.

No one will ever find us.

What does that mean? I hope hes not for real..

"well, you do live in the forest, so i dont think you will be found..." i say, nervously.

Yuuki chuckles, then turns to my driveway.

"were here princess. Ill pick you up around the same time tommorow~" Yuuki says while winking at me.

I blush, and close the car door.

I open my front door, and greet my mom.

"hi mom..." i say

"hi y/n, how was your date with Yuuki? Oooo~" mom says.

"i didn't- go on a date with him! Hes just asked me, and i said yes..." i say while blushing.

"whatever you say sweetheart." my mom says.

"is there food? Im starving!!" i say while sitting down on the counter.

" yeah, i just made (f/f), but i was hoping Yuuki could come and take some home!" my mom says, handing me a plate of my favourite food.

"Yuuki said he was going to pick me up tommorow, i dont really know what he meant by that though." i say, putting food in my mouth.

"well, when you have a girlfriend, you will probably want to spend time with them 24/7! Maybe hes feeling the feels~" mom said, nudging me.

I chuckle. Maybe he wants to spend time with me.

Maybe he does love me.


After i finish my food, i go upstairs to sleep. It was pretty late, and i was tired.

I enter my room, to see a letter and rose on my bed.

Dear y/n,

Thank you for the wonderful date we had.

Here is a rose, to repersent the blooming relationship we have.

Nothing can separate our love, only death.

Till death do us part,


it still scares me that he knows were i live, im not used to it i guess.

I look at the rose, seeing the bold red colour. It reminds me of Yuuki's eyes, and how crimson the red is.

I go to smell it. Its not a beautiful smell, but its not the worse.

I start to feel a little dizzy, but nothing bad.

So i lay down, and instanly knock out.


I wake up. Its not my room i am in. Im in a different a different house.

I rise up, looking at my surroundings.

Nothing bad, Nothing wrong.

Then i heard the sound of a door opening.

"darling! You're awake!" Yuuki says.

Yuuki? Why is he here?

"where am i?" i ask, instantly.

"'re at my house....why?" Yuuki says, furrowing my eyebrows.

"why am i at your house?!" i bark while asking.

You can see Yuuki's eyes start to tear up, as he stepped back.

Yuuki looks very intimating, he's tall, he's well built, not a single piece of unwanted fat on him, he has piercing red eyes that could kill somebody.

But under all that, Yuuki is a big- no MAJOR softie.

He can't stand people being angry at him.

"because... because i miss you! I can't stand not being with you! Every single hour, minute, i always think of you..."

"i just, i just cant be alone...especially when my love isnt with me."  Yuuki says.

"Yuuki... If you feel alone, just say that. Don't hide your feelings." i say.

Yuuki looks up at me, eyes wide, like he heard a gunshot.

"you sound just like her." Yuuki says.

"Like who??"

"Like the housemaid i had when i was little."

Was that an insult or something?

"her name was y/n aswell... my parents hired her cause they didn't really care about me.." Yuuki Explains.

"she was like a mom to me, better than the hag i have now." Yuuki says.

"you have parents?!" i ask.

"yes darling, why?" Yuuki says while getting on the bed.

"then whats your last name?" i ask

"mint. My name is Yuuki mint." Yuuki says.

"why does that matter to you?" Yuuki asks.

"i dont know, Just curious." i say.

"well that curiosity will get you into trouble~"

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