Ch 2 |where am i ?|

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Dont even know the guy!

I think this while walking, hoping to get to my class early.

As i walk into my class and sit down, waiting for class to start.

"okay, settle down, we have a new student."

yuuki walks in, and introduces himself.

"Hello, my name is yuuki." he says while bowing his head.

"oh my god, hes cute!"

"does he play sports?"

"he looks smart.."

"you can sit next to... Y/n" the teacher says while pointing to me.

[yuuki pov]

So That's what her name is... Y/n...

Just like the...


I go to sit down, and continue to focus in class. I can't stop staring at her though.

Shes so pretty. I want to bring her home. Treat her like a queen.

She doesn't need anybody else though, just me. Im the only one that cares for her.


[back to y/n pov]

Finally, its the end of school.

I have to walk home now, but i hate it. I get so lonely.

When i was walking home, i see the woods that i used to go through while i was a kid.

"it wont hurt to go through again" i say while going through the woods.

It was very calming walking through.

As i was walking, i heard footsteps.

I walked a little faster, thinking it was a animal, but it quickened its pace aswell.

I stopped, and i felt a metal object hit my head.

I fell to the ground. As i look up to the person that hit me, i saw yuuki.

"princess, it going to hurt, dont cry, ok?" yuuki says while stroking my cheek.

"w-what do you want?" i say with fear.


yuuki hit my Right ankle. For sure broken.

I shriek in pain, while hes bandages it.

A tear falls down my cheek, and yuuki sees this.

"love, i told you not to cry." yuuki says.

"well, you just BROKE my ankle." i say while trying to push him away.

He pulls me back and grabs me, and put me on his shoulder.

"im taking you home now, stop whining." yuuki says.

"well, this isnt the way to my house!" i say.

"not your home, my home." yuuki says while smirking.

I want to kick him in the face.

When we arrive, yuuki sets me down, and picks me up bridal.

Hes opens his door, and takes me to his basement.

His basement was dark, and cold so i hold him tighter.

"youre no scared of the dark, are you?" yuuki says while looking at me.

His crimson red eyes got darker, and you feel like your shrinking.

As we get to the basement, he put me down and says,

"we are going to play a game." "hide and seek". 

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