Ch 32 | janitor's closet |

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"so please, get into partners, and start brainstorming for your project." the teachers says, and immediately the whole class gets up, and starts making groups.

It would be easier if Yuuki was in my class, but since hes not here ill probably just ask to do it myself-

"hey (h/c)-head. Want to be partners?"

I turn my head to see the same hallway guy, and my eyes widened a little.

"uhm...sure! " i say, while smiling a bit.

"if you dont mind, whats your name again?" i say, nervously..

"what if i do mind?"


That was the one and only time I've ever used pardon. Even around Yuuki i dont even.

"what if-"

He pulls out a chair from beside me, and sits down.

"-i do mind?" he finishes.

I look away, then back at him.

"then i would call you the guy-i-saw-in my-bio-class. You really wouldn't like that in a while, trust me."

We both chuckle, and i look back at him.

"so what's your name? Scared to tell me?" i say, giving him that "if you don't tell me, im going to explode." look.

He realises, and looks at away, then back at me.

"its kinda basic so i don't really like it..."

"its Alec. Kinda like Alex, but with a c." he says, straching the back of his neck.

"its cute! I like it. Fits you per say." i say, not even realising that i called his name cute.

His cheeks and nose turn a little pink, and he chuckles nervously.

I realise, and my eyes widen again.

"sorry! I meant... You know, like it fits!"

"i know what you mean. Your name's Y/n right?"


. . .

After sometime pasts, we get to talk a little more while brainstormimg for our project.

Alec is actually a very nice and respectful guy, opposite than his class clown appearance.

Then bell rings, and everyone starts packing up. I put my textbook amd notes in my bag, and get up.

"Y/n, you seem cool, want to hang out sometime? Maybe durnimg the weekend?"

What would Yuuki think?.. Nah, i think its fine. I barley hang out with guys anyways..

"sure! I got to hurry though, bye Alec!"

I speedwalk out the class, and bump into Yuuki's chest.

"darling i was waiting for you! I want to walk you to third period!"

"how long were waiting?"

"like two minutes, no big deal. Class dismissed early for some reason."

I look back in the classroom, and see alec packing up. I wave, and he smiles.

Yuuki holds my hand, and starts walking, i walk too.

I didn't mind hanging out with Alec, He's nice, funny, and just a happy person.

"what are you thinking about? You've been zoning out all day." Yuuki says, stopping in his tracks.

This wasn't a pure question, he was dead serious.

He voice felt sinister, like he wasn't asking me, he was demanding. That soft but deep voice turned into a sharp low tone, causing chills to run down.

He wasn't looking at me, but his aura changed, and he didn't even need to look.

"i havent been thinking about anything, Y-Yuuki I'm just thinking about my biology partner.."

He looks at me sharply, crimson eyes looking like a red close to black.

He chuckles, and pulls my hand harshly to follow him.

We enter a janitors closet close by, and pushes me onto a wall gently.

"boy or girl?" he asks.


"don't play stupid with me Y/n, boy. Or. Girl?"


His grasp got tighter, and i yelp a tiny bit.

"don't fucking lie to me Y/n. Im not repeating myself."


He scoffs, while i tremble in his hands.


"please..." i say, putting my head on his chest, while tears slip down my eyes.

"Yuuki im begging.. Don't hurt him.. I promise you, i just met him today.."

"why shouldn't i fucking slit his throat open? Begging doesn't mean shit."

"any guy that touches you, makes you laugh, makes you give that god given smile, should be me Y/n."


Do yall like possessive Yuuki in this chapter?? I do teehee😘

my sis and mom found out about the story😭🖐

they were begging to read it, and i said no cause of the yk chapter, and my mom mad😭😭

I hope they forget soon!!

Anyways, i will always be in your nightmares always, God loves yall💕😋

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