Ch 28 | thank you's & envelopes

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[timeskip: next morning.]

I wake up to find Yuuki beside me. I giggle, cause his hair is all frizzy and messy.

Yuuki wakes up, and looks at me.

"what darling?" Yuuki says while getting up.


I lay down and think.

Yuuki really changed overtime. Hes more i dont know... "controlled" ?

He went from lovesick psycho, to...normal? Well not really. He still is sensitive.

He kisses my forehead and i snap out of my trance.

"whatcha' thinking about, darling?" he asks me.

"i was thinking about you. You've changed Yuuki."

" i never changed, you did."


"when we first met, you were like a scared little puppy. So small and cute~ i could break you with one hand!" Yuuki says, giggling to himself.

"but now... You've adapted."

"no more puppy, you're a guard dog?" he exclaims.

"i just allowed that to happen. I could crush you anytime i want, remember im that sick murderer that you know and love."

Get up and look at him.

He open tooth smiles, and blinks really quick.

Then i remember. Mom.

When was even the last time I've seen her?! I don't know..

"come on, we're going to visit my mom." i say, leaving the bed.


"you heard me."

Yuuki sighs, and leaves the bed too.

"i miss her too much Yuuki. I have to see your ugly face everyday, makes me sick sometimes."

"you weren't saying that last night. I still remember those sweet sounds." Yuuki says.

I glare at him, and he sticks his hands up.

"sorry princess."

[timeskip: in the car.]

While driving, i think about how my mom is going to react.

She is going to be so mad.

"come on darling, shes fine. Stop thinking about it so much." Yuuki says, patting my head.

"ok.." i say.

"but is going to be-"

"shhh. Listen, you are going to be fine." Yuuki says.

Once we arrive, my stomach turns.

I'm so scared...

We knock on the door, and it opens.


"Y/n?! My sweet baby!" My mom says, hugging me so tight.

"where were you all this time?! Its been weeks-"

She looks at Yuuki.

"You... You stole my daughter from me! You kidnapped her!" My Mom says, screaming at Yuuki.

While doing this she holds me in her arms, hand on my head, and i sob.

"but...thank you for keeping my daughter safe." she says, as tears roll down me and hers eyes.

"anytime, Ms. (L/n)."

"Y/n, are you ok? Where were you all this time?"

"i's house.." i say, i between sobs.

"are you hurt?"


"are you hungry?"


She grabs my hand, and pulls me over to the living room.

She sits me down, and Yuuki follows.

"sit, daughter stealer." my mom says, and he sits.

He looks at me in shame, and i stick my tounge out at him.

"that's what you get, daughter stealer." i whisper at him.

He rolls his eyes, and my mom came out with tea.

"while you were gone, i got envelopes full of money!"

"Don't know where they came from, and the sender wouldn't give me their name!"

"how much did you get?"

"from 500-1000 dollars each week.."

"woah..." Yuuki says, acting a fool.

"they would also write me letters, and ensure me that my daughter was safe.."

"Yuuki, did you send me money?"


"Yes, Ms. (L/n). Y/n told me that you weren't doing all that good, so i decided that since she wasn't there, i would support you in any way i can." Yuuki says,  breaking in a sweat..

"you didn't have to do that Yuuki.. Since you are my daughters boyfriend.. I thought she was sick of this life, and ran away..."

"i mean, i used to do the same thing with Y/n's father when we were younger.."

I turn red.

"i didn't run away, occasionally, i would come to my room late at night."

"Anyways, it was my idea for Y/n to stay with me. There was no reason, i just wanted her too." Yuuki says.

"That's fair..."

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