Ch 7 |you're just crazy!|

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"please...Yuuki..ill do whatever you want...but please let me stay here..." i practically begged him.

"im all she has!!" i said.

Yuuki unpins me from the wall, and i fall forward.

Yuuki flips me around to be on my back.

"you know... you're so pretty to be begging like that. When i beg my parents, they turn a blind eye." yuuki says with a smirk on his face.

"....please?" i say.

I kiss him on the cheek. Yuuki blushes hard, and walks backwards without saying anything.

"uhm....ok.." Yuuki says with his hair covering his eyes.

Yuuki leaves the same way he came in, through the window. He waves, then jumps down.

Who knew that hes a sucker for a kiss on the cheek?

[timeskip : next morning]

As i get to school, Yuuki greets me with a smile.

"morning~" Yuuki says with an closed eye smile.

"morning." i say trying to walk pass him.

While i was walking, Yuuki tripped me.

"ah!" i yelp.

While i was about to hit the ground, Yuuki catched me.

"it isnt very nice to walk away, darling~" Yuuki says while close to my face, kissing range.

His eyes, a bright yet, dark red. His hair messy, yet perfectly curled.

You blush while pushing his hands off your waist.

"not here, Yuuki." you say.

"then when?" he asks.

"i don't know..." you say while looking away.

Yuuki furrows his eyebrows, and becomes disinterested.

"youre quite boring.." Yuuki says.

"you're just crazy, im normal." i say.

Yuuki smirks, then the bells ring.

"see you in class darling."


[timeskip: after school]

While i left the building, i saw Yuuki waiting for me.

"y/n!" Yuuki says.

"hey Yuuki." i say.

"i want to see your mom! Ill walk you home!"

My- my mom?!

"No way dude!" i say stoping in my track.

"well, its that, or you stay at my house,  and stay there forever!" Yuuki says giggling to himself.

"fine." i puff.

Once, we get there i see my mom.

"hi y/n- ooohh, who's this?" my mom coos.

"mom, this is Yuuki, my-"

"boyfriend. Im y/n's boyfriend."

Huh....what?! boyfriend??

"wow! Y/n's been so lonely for so long, i would never know she hid this for me!" my mom says.

Mom, please, no.

"she gets Flustered alot, so shes not good with telling people stuff. She didn't ever tell me she had such a beautiful mom?!" Yuuki says while smiling.

"oh, my, young man, you are so charming!" my mom says turning a little red.

Yuuki laughs, then grabs my waisted lt and kisses me on the forehead.

"your daughter, so beautiful." Yuuki says.

I turn crimson red, and i dont say a word as he praises me infront of my parents.

"do you want tea? You look a little skinny." my mom says.

"mom! Hes fine.." i say.

"i would love to have some."Yuuki says, covering my mouth.

[timeskip: after the tea session]

"well ms. L/n, can i take your daughter for the rest of the day? I will bring her back the same tommorow~" Yuuki says.

Nonono! Please say no...

Yuuki flashes her a wide child like smile, and she blushes a bit.

"uhm..sure! Make she to bring her back though!" she laughs.

No! Please no mom! Not this psycho!

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