Ch 13 | scream (1996) |

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[timeskip: next morning]

[back to your pov]

Its sunday. Another morning at Yuuki's house.

I feel kinda guilty of what i did to him.
I didn't even check on him, and he didn't even sleep next to me.
Even after what he did, i still kinda liked him. He was sweet, quirky, and just overall a big softie.

I got up, and went downstairs. There he was, sleeping on the couch. Dark circles under his eyes, and also dried up tears. He has an worried/angered look on his face.

Hes was wearing a black hoodie, with red basketball shorts. His hoodie was lifted up, so you could see his perfectly molded abs.

From this sight, i blush, and he wakes up.

"Morning princess." Yuuki says while rubbing his eyes.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" i ask.

"Why do you care? *gasp* are you worrying for me?!" Yuuki says while teasing me.

"no, you look like you came out of the walking dead." i rebuttal.

"you are such a lizard." Yuuki says while getting up from the couch.

" SHUT UP YUUKI!" i say.

Yuuki chuckles, and turns around.
He looks at me, and grabs my waist.

"are you hungry?" his whispers in my ear.

"a little, why?" i whisper back with a smirk.

I put my arms around his neck, and his phone rings.

"fuck, right when it was getting good."


"fuck off, and stop calling me with that bullshit. Bye" Yuuki says, then tosses the phone on the kitchen island.

"who was that, Mr. Curser?" i tease.

"nobody important." Yuuki says kissing my cheek.



"anyways, i have a surprise for you."
Yuuki says, holding my waist.

"what is it-"

Yuuki passionetly kisses me. Once he breaks from the kiss, his red eyes become deeper.

"why should i tell you? Its a surprise~" Yuuki says while smirking of course.

"Now, lets's eat ok?" Yuuki says.

[timeskip: that evening.]

"hey, Yuuki, what do you want to watch on Netflix?" i say, while flipping through the app.

Yuuki sits down beside me, and puts on scream (1996).

"ay! I dont like scary movies!" i say while trying to grab the remote back.

"dont worry doll~ ill protect you.." Yuuki says while kissing me on the cheeks.

"and plus, its my favourite~" Yuuki says while whispering in my ear.

while the movie is playing, i Don't really watch, i just think about the surprise Yuuki was talking about.

What is it?

Is it fun?

Is it his collection of dead bodies?

In that case, not fun.

But still, who was he talking to this morning?

"oi, Yuuki." i say.


"who were you talking to this
morning?" i ask.

"nobody important my love~" Yuuki says, watching the movie.

"whos nobody? Mom, dad?" i ask.

"Dad. Darling~ what time is it." Yuuki says, annoyed.

"its 7, why?"

"come on, lets get ready." Yuuki says while pausing the movie.

"for what?" i ask, while getting up.

" your surprise~" Yuuki says.

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