Ch 37 | House in the woods.|

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Warning! This chapter contains some spicy scenes ;)

[ Timeskip : After dinner ]

"Alright. Get up. We're going to show you where you're going to sleep." Yuuki says, getting up from the table.

Arson, Xander, and a flustered Zero all get up to follow Yuuki. He grabs my hand and pulls me too.

We go upstairs, and we go down the hallway.

I've never seen this part of the house, and he never wanted to show me...

We walk up to the door, and Yuuki opens it.

It's an nicely decorated room, bed big enough to fit all of them.

This tiny house in the woods has this big of a room?!

"Do whatever you want, just don't make loud noises." Yuuki says, sternly.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever." Says Arson while entering.

All three of them enter, and Yuuki closes the door.

He grabs my hand, and pulls me to our room.

He doesn't say a word, and enters.

"Yuuki, are you ok?" I ask.

He finally turns to me, and his face turns red. We make eye contact, and his hand caresses my face.

His crimson eyes burning in obsession.

"I really wanted to kiss you. So bad."

He pulls my face closer, and his lips touch mine. He devoured my lips, causing my face to heat up.

It feels like he wasn't even giving himself time to breath.

His hands transferred to my hips, pulling me closer.

I put my hands in his hair, feeling the soft strands and holding on to the tiny air I had.

His lips depart from mine, and he pulls me to the bed. He lays me down, and we make eye contact again.

His lips move down to my neck, giving me pecks and smooches all over.

"You know I'll never let you go darling?"

"No matter how many times you'll get sick of my face, I'll still love you.." He says.

His kisses return back to my face, and I smile.

"I..I love you too.. Yuuki."

OMGG guys 😭



Anyways... I'll be in your nightmares always, GOD LOVES YOU💕

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