Ch 9 | hugs & kisses |

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After that encounter, i went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

"i'm pretty tired though, i need to sleep." i say, chugging some water.

I go upstairs, and i get to Yuuki's room.

I open the door, to see a bloody knife on the dresser, and a sleeping Yuuki.

"he didn't even put the covers on himself, he must be cold..." i say.

I put the covers on him, and he immediately changes position, snuggling with the covers.

Then i lay down, and close my eyes.

Almost asleep, i feel hands around my waist.

I feel hands around my waist, holding me very tightly.

you're the only...ones...i have..please?"
Yuuki says while sleep talking.

Shit, hes having a bad dream. What do i do? Does he need his pills? Should i wake him up?

I move, and he wakes up.

"shit, i dreamt about those dumbasses again." Yuuki says while getting up.

Yuuki turns to his side, to see y/n "sleeping" there.

"shes asleep~ wake up." Yuuki demands.

I shoot up, and i turn to look at him.

He looked at me back, like he knew i wasn't sleeping.

"you know"


"it's not ok to sleep without your boyfriend knowing. You should of told me before, so i could of made space!"
Yuuki lectures.

Oh thank god. If he would of found out, he would of called me a liar, and would of flipped out.

"its LITERALLY me sleeping, like i dont NEED space. You will LITERALLY not give me space even if i asked." i barked.

"i like you like this. you look so cute~" Yuuki says while squishing my cheeks.

"get your hands off!" i say while slapping his hands off my face.

Yuuki grabs my wrist and pulls my body to sit on his lap.

Then he kisses my cheeks.

"ok then miss fiesty pants, what if i used my mouth instead?"

I turn red.

"since you didn't say anything, i guess thats a "please Yuuki!" " Yuuki says

Yuuki keeps on kissing my cheeks, and i quite enjoyed it.

couldn't say it though.

Yuuki kissed my cheeks, then my mouth.

I could feel his saliva mix in with mine, i as could hear his soft groans,
Yuuki pulled out from the kiss.

"i have to stop...gotta save that pretty mouth for your moans later~" Yuuki says while smirking.

"WHAT- WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I say while turning crimson red.

" i mean, im going to rearrange your guts." Yuuki says.

You playfully hit him, and lay back down.

"just- go to sleep dummy!" i say Flustered.

Yuuki chuckles, then lays down beside me. He wraps his arms around my waist, and snuggles into my neck.

"fuck~ if i could only have you to myself forever~" Yuuki says in my ear.

"you told my mom ill come back tommorow though~" i say, teasing him.

Yuuki sighs, then pulls me closer.

" i know, i know, stop nagging me." Yuuki says.

I chuckle softly, then drift away.

[timeskip: next morning.]

Today's Saturday! I would Usually be pretty happy, but im in a bed with my

I wake up, and i look beside me.

Nobody. Thats weird, huh?

I get up, and go downstairs. I see Yuuki cooking something that smells DIVINE.

Yuuki turns around, and smiles at my sight.

"darling! Good morning~" Yuuki says while hugging me.

I look up to see his eyes. His eyes were ruby red, and his dark circles deep purple.

Looks like someone didnt get enough sleep.

He kisses me on my forehead, then my cheek, then goes back to cooking.

Yuuki's wearing a black tank top with grey sweatpants, as Usual.

After a while, Yuuki sets down a plate of pancakes.

"i haven't seen you eat, eat." Yuuki demands.

I sit down and Yuuki pushes the plate.
I start to eat, downing the food since i haven't ate since yesterday at school.

"Good girl~ see? You should listen to me more~" Yuuki says while his head is in his arms, watching me eat.

I roll my eyes, and Yuuki chuckles.

"you know doll, we should go to the mall." Yuuki says while getting up.

"wa doo- you meen?" i say, stuffing my mouth with pancakes.

"i mean like i should buy you stuff, while you shop and look pretty" Yuuki says with a smirk.

The idea didn't sound to bad, since you needed clothes to have at his place, so if he kidnaps you again, you'll not have to rot in old clothes.

"ok." i say.

"yay! Go get ready, i have clothes for you to try on." Yuuki says while taking the plate away from me.

I go upstairs, while hes pulling my hand.

We get to his room, and he sets me on his bed.

He opens his closet and hands me some clothes.

I go to try then on, and..

"oi Yuuki! What the frick?!" i bark out.

Yuuki laughs hard while i stare hard at myself.

"come out darling, or im coming in." Yuuki says.

I come out, crimson red, while trying not to plop on the floor from embarrassment.

It was a black, cardigan sweater top, with a very short black "school" skirt. Like so short, if i bend down you'll 100% see my butt.

While walking, my legs were trembling, and i was covering my face from embarrassment.

"its not that bad, even if it is, you're still wearing it."

"what?! Nooo." i say.

Yuuki walks up to me, and removes my hand from my face.

"look at how Flustered you are, how can i say no?" Yuuki says, teasing me.

Yuuki pulls my waist to the point where we are body on body. I could feel his hands trace over the scar he gave me on my thigh days ago.


Yuuki smacks my 🍑, while a big smirk is on his face. I yelped from the contact, and stuff my face into his chest from embarrassment.

Yuuki laughs.

"lets go doll~" Yuuki says while pulling me out of the room.

I want to go home....

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