The Disappearance

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Clump, clump, clump. I listen to my echoing footsteps as I walk down the street to my house. After five minutes I reach my two story home. Painted white and brown. Old but with a modern twist to it. I unlock the door and step into the living room.

I drop my back pack on the couch. "I swear the thing's filled with bricks sometimes." I say to myself. "Bethany, I home!" I shout up stairs. I walk to the kitchen and grab a protein bar. "Hello? Bethany I'm talking to you. Did you fall asleep again?" I say. No response. That's strange she's normally home by now. I walk upstairs. I open her door. "Hello anybody home?" I ask. Her rooms empty with a pile of books randomly stacked on her desk. That's weird she's normally home buy now. I check the rest of the house. She's not here. Oh well she probably stopped somewhere.

I go back to the living room to watch t.v.

By the time my parents get home is dark. "Hey have seen Bethany?" I ask getting off the couch. "She wasn't here when I got home." "No she should be here she didn't say she was going anywhere. Why don't you try calling her." My mom replies walking down the hall to her office. I pick up my phone and call her number. It dials then goes to voicemail. "Hi, this is Bethany sorry I'm probably busy leave your name and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Bye." I hit end. "She didn't answer." I yell down the hall at my mom. "We'll tell someone if she doesn't home by morning." She shouts back.

We eat dinner and go to bed.

When I wake up I check her room she still not there. That's when I start to worry. "Mom, she's not here!" I yell. "What! We need to call someone." She says panicked.

We call the police and they get here in two minutes. "You called about a missing person?" The cop asks. "Yes." My mom says. "Name." The cop says nonchalantly. "Bethany Woods." My mom says quickly. He writes it down. "When's the last time you saw her?" He asks. "Yesterday morning." She says. After scribbling something down again he says "Okay, we'll file a report and do the best we can." He walks to his car and slams the door. I watch him drive away. My mom's crying and I'm standing there not knowing what to do.

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