ch 22 part 1

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My eyes widen when I see who is standing in the doorway.

"Oh, I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" Cole says with a smirk. "No." I say crossing my arms. "Oh, well then she's still open great, can I borrow her?" He asks. "What do you want? How'd you even get in?" Raven says. He throws a set of keys at her which she catches easily.

"I used to live here sweety. Oh, and I'm here because your dad wants you. He said that your not safe here." Cole says. "Yeah right like I'd ever go with you." Raven says bitterly. "Come with me or else-" "Or else what?" She says cutting him off. "I'll carry you out to the car and force you to go with me." He says glancing to me and smirking. He's disgusting.

"Your not going to do anything, get out of the house before I make you." I say stepping toward him. He laughs. "Yeah and I'd like to see you try." He says but his eyes have the slightest hint of worry in them. I'm older and stronger and he's picking a fight he can't win. I raise my eyebrow, I didn't think he was that stupid.

"I need her to come with me or her dad will kill me, literally." He says backing up a little. Raven scoffs. "Yeah right, so he's just now caring. Why do I find that so hard to believe." She says glaring at him. "He doesn't want you to end up like your sister." Cole says. I see her tense. "I'll go just to see what's happening but Gabriel gets to go with me." She says.

Cole smirks. "Ah, I see you've got attached to my brother. How cute, I'm always open though." He says taking a step toward her. "Shut up and back away before I change my mind." She says. He puts his hands up and backs away.

I'm one comment away from bashing his nose in.

Raven takes my clinched hand and unravels it taking my hand in hers. I look down at her even though she's not looking.

We walk out to the car and start towards who knows where.

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