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"Hi." I say sitting in the seat across from him. "Hello, my name's Gabriel by the way." He says holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you too." He says. He almost looks familiar but vaguely.

I point to a picture of a old rundown building made of rotting wood and crumbling concrete. It looks like an old factory. "Do you know where this is?" I ask. "Yeah, it's next to a Tom Thumb one county over." He says. "I found it in my sisters journal. Do you know what it used to be?" I ask. "No, but I think the library does. Let's go check it out." He says.

We walk outside. In the driveway is a car that I didn't notice before. A black mustang. Newly washed and waxed. The sun shined off the hood. I freeze. It looks brand new.

"You like it?" He says smiling at my expression. I nod. "Come on, get in." He says opening the passenger door for me. "Thank you." I say sitting down. He shuts the door and climbs in on the other side.

As soon as he put the keys in the ignition the engine starts up with out any hesitation. "Wow." I say amazed. He laughs. "Got it a couple weeks ago." He says pulling out of the driveway.

"How old are you?" I ask. "Seventeen." He says. One year older than me.

He speeds through the neighborhood, sometimes going the longer route just to avoid speed bumps. "You do know the library closes in 6 hours not 1, right." I ask. "Yeah." He says glancing at me from the corner of his eye which kinda scares me at the speed we're going. "Then why are we going so fast?" I ask. "What's the point of having a fast car if you don't use that to your advantage?" He says smirking. I smile.

I roll down the window. It feels nice. "What music do you listen to?" He asks trying to speak over the wind. "Electric." I say. "You have great taste." He says pressing a button. I'm guessing he likes it too considering it's the first genre that comes on. I smile.

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