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I slowly open my eyes. Light shined through the blinds lighting up the room.

I look at the alarm clock 9:43.

My eyed widen and I immediately jump out of bed. I walk downstairs expecting to find Gabriel in the kitchen but he isn't there. I frown confused.

I walk into the living room to find him still sleeping on the couch. This should be fun. I walk over to him and shake his shoulder roughly. He moans and rolls over. "You have ten seconds to get up." I say copying him from yesterday. "Whatever. I'm not ticklish." He mubbles. I bite my lip trying not laugh, I'm not planning on tickling him. I'm way to evil to settle for that. "10....9.....8" I start to count down as I walk to the kitchen and fill a cup with ice cubes. I walk back in.

"3....2....1....0 ok you've been warned." I say before dumping the whole cup of ice down the back of his t-shirt. He bolts up and starts shaking his shirt trying to get the ice cubes out of his shirt. I laugh at his horrible effort. Ice cubes side across the wood floor. He picks up a handful and looks at me with an evil grin.

Oh, crap.

I bolt out of the room and up the stairs as Gabriel chases me. I slam his bedroom door shut, locking it behind me right as he reaches the door.

He laughs from the other side. "You have to come out sooner or later." He yells. "The ice will be melted by then." I shout back.

After thirty minutes hunger takes over and I give in. I slowly open the door checking the small hallway first. I don't see Gabriel. I walk across to the stairs as quietly as possible, mentally cursing the creaky wood. I bite my lip as I lean over the banister to get a better look at the kitchen. Still no Gabriel. I walk down stairs repeatedly checking behind my back. I walk into the kitchen, when I feel an arm wrap tightly around waist and something cold sliding down back before the grip disappears. I shriek and frantically rub my back trying to get the ice cube out. I turn around to a laughing Gabriel. I stick my tongue out at him. "I hate you so much." I say under my breath. Apparently he hears me because he starts laughing harder. I roll my eyes and sit down on a stool.

After calming down he asks "What do you what for lunch?" I shrug. Leaning my head against my hand thinking. 

Then everything that happened yesterday hits me at once. I remember everything. I try to push the thoughts away.

"We need to tell the police about what happened." I say suddenly. He nods, his smile disappearing. "We need to tell your mom too." He says. Oh, I forgot. Well this sucks. "Or we could just tell the cops to tell her." I say trying to figure out a way not to see her. He gives me a look that says 'really'. I sigh. It's inevitable but it was worth a try. "Ok." I say.

He makes breakfast which is a good choice because I'd burn down the kitchen or burn the food. I'm terrible at cooking.

We get in his car after cleaning up. I convince him to drive to the police station first. I dread telling my mom. She's probably angry that I left if she even noticed my absence and she's probably going to explode when she hears what I have to say. I bury my head in my hands trying not to think about that right now. Apparently he realizes minor mental breakdown because he takes one of my hands in his and says "Hey it's okay.  Nothing going to happen, okay?" I nod.

We make it to the station and walk inside. I walk to the desk in the front of the room. "Um, hello I have evidence for the Bethany Woods case." I say unsteadily.

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