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"Raven, wake up." I turn over. "Come on Raven." I cover my head with the sheets. "Oh, so that's how your going be. Okay. You have ten seconds to get up before I tickle you to death." Gabriel says. I ignore his threat and pull up the covers even farther. He starts to count down. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0!" He attacks me ticking my sides through the covers. I scream and try to get away, jumping out of bed and try to run out of the room. "Not so fast." He says pulling me back and continuing to tickle me. "No! Stop please!" I shout in between laughs. He laughs too.

I collapse to the floor. He looks down at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. I stick my tongue out at him. He starts to walk out the room but I stay on the floor just watching him.

"There's bacon down stairs if you want some." He says as he walks out of the room. I bolt up and push past him running down the stairs. As soon as I enter the kitchen the smells hits my noise. It's awesome. Gabriel just laughs at my reaction.

I love food. A lot but I normally burn it off running or something so it doesn't really affect me.

I sit down at the island and Gabriel hands me a plate full of hot bacon. Yum.

We eat breakfast then Gabriel washes the dishes after refusing to let me help.

We head to his car.

"We'll be back before night time so we don't need to pack anything. All we need to do is get there, find out what this psycho is talking about and leave. I don't trust him. I mean really, all the sudden this boyfriend that no one's even hear about suddenly knows everything. I don't think so." Gabriel says opening my door. I nod stepping in. He shuts it, walks around the front of the car, and gets in his own seat. "We have to try. I mean if this guy is who he says he is then it could lead us right to where Bethany is." I say. He nods and starts the car.

A/N okay so another chapter right after this one because I wanted it to end here. What do you think happens next? Tell me in the comments.

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