ch 23

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"Okay so Bethany is located at the rivaling gangs warehouse. Which one that is is still not known to us but we're working on that." Cole says facing the computer while talking to us.

I'm sitting next to Raven and her dad sits next to Cole, across from us. Raven is concentrating on the computer like Cole. Her dad is glaring at our intertwined hands and me. I ignore him and focus on what's being said.

"What are the red dots for?" Raven asks. They're scattered across the screen in clusters except for one spot that is empty besides one or two. "That's the places we've checked and confirmed as unlikely spots for Bethany." Cole says clicking on different things.

A small page pulls up in front of everything. It's blank with a flashing line in a box suggesting that something should be typed in. "This is the security page to the cameras they have in what we think is the warehouse. If we can hack it then we can know for sure if she's there or not." He says. Raven's eyes light up. "Move over." She says. Cole doesn't as told without any protest. Probably because of the death glare her dad gives him as he opens his mouth. I let go of her hand so she can type. She types in a long sequence of numbers and letters quickly. The screen disappears in favor for a black one with bold plain white text. She continues typing. Eventually the pop up disappears and several videos show up side by side. Each containing different angles and rooms. "Done." She says taking her original spot.

We all stare at her in disbelief. She shrugs. "They had low grade security. I'm surprised it worked considering the stakes. How did you not figure that out sooner?" She asks shooting a questioning glance at Cole. He doesn't reply, just glares at her and sits back down crossing his arms. Raven shrugs.

I look out the one small window in the warehouse. It's dark now, with the moon shining brightly though groggy glass.  Raven yawns beside me and leans her head on my shoulder. I slip my arm around her shoulders and run my fingers through her silky hair. It's quiet for a couple seconds. Then Cole says. "I think I should drive you guys home, it late and she's tired." I nod looking down at her.

Raven, Cole, and I walk to the car. Raven tries to lead but I pull her back with me, persuading her that it's too dark to be walking that far ahead.

When we finally get home it's 12:04. It would be pitch black if not for the street lights scattered randomly. I unlock the door. My mom is sitting on the couch watching TV. She hears the door open and turns around. She smiles at me but when she sees Cole her smile disappears. "What are doing here I thought you we're with John?" She says. He ignores her and just walks out the door shutting it behind him. She stares at the door shocked. "What was he doing here?" She asks facing me. "He had to take us somewhere." I say not going into details. "When did he get back?" She asks still questioning me. "I don't know." I say walking into the kitchen and pulling out to plates covered in plastic wrap. She nods slowly and turns back to the TV.  I stick one of the plates in the microwave removing the wrap. I lean against the counter and face Raven. She sighs and slumps into one of the bar stools next to the island. She runs her hands through her hair. Her vibrate blue eyes staring at me through her fingers. "Why are you staring at me like that?" She asks. I snap out of my daydreaming. I open my mouth but before I can say anything the microwave timer goes off. I turn around to switch the plates out sitting the first one in front of her.

My mom walks into the kitchen yawning. "Once you two finish eating I think it time to go to bed. It's late and I'm guessing you've both had a long day." She says and we nod again. She walks slowly back into the living room dragging her feet.

The food finishes heating up and I take it out of the  microwave sitting next to Raven. "I didn't know you could hack stuff." I say thinking back to earlier to today. "Yeah, Bethany and I used to have contest about how could get into each others phone by guessing the passwords. It kinda just went from there. It was interesting to me." She says looking down like she's embarrassed. "It's really cool. That skill just got us one more step closer to Bethany. But I can't help but wander if they are actually telling us the truth or if they are lying use us to get into warehouse that has nothing to do with Bethany." I say thinking out loud. "Well we can't be totally sure until they prove that she's there. I don't exactly believe either of them. So we just have to wait it out." She says. I nod finishing my food and grabbing both our plates putting them in the sink filling it with water. I'll do it in the morning it's late and I'm tired. "Come on we need to go to bed. We'll probably have some other things to do tomorrow." I say. She nods. 

We both walk upstairs. "Goodnight." I say laying down. She walks over to the bed beside me and climbs in."Goodnight." She says. 

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