ch 18

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Gabriel and I take turns talking about what happened and what led up to this photo. I let Gabriel explain almost everything until the end when I tell them about how I escaped.

They say not to do anything until they approve the evidence, and that we can go home but to be extra careful.

I wish I could just go home. Maybe I'd I don't say anything Gabriel will forgot to go to my mother's house.

Unfortunately Gabriel has good memory. I sigh as we pull into my driveway. "I don't want to tell her." I say leaning my head against my hand that's propped up by the window ledge. "I'll be right next to you nothing will happen. I promise." He says. I nod and we both get out of the car.

I walk up to the door and knock hard since our doorbell is broken. No one answers I knock again, harder, yet still no one answers. I try the door handle it's unlocked and the door swings wide open. Figures. I walk inside timidly looking around with Gabriel right behind me. I walk to the kitchen which involves walking through the living room. She's in neither. I walk to the rooms on the other side of the stairs. The guest bed room and bathroom. Empty. She must be upstairs. I walk up the stairs not trying to be quiet like last time. All the doors are open I glance in my room and Bethany's room. Both are empty. I walk into her bedroom. She sits against the headboard. With a champagne glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She blows smoke in my direction as she sees me. She rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to the plain wall. "Um I need to talk to you." I say. She doesn't even say anything just stares at me. Her gaze wonders over my shoulder. When she sees Gabriel her eyes darken and she glares at the both of us. "What." She snaps. "Bethany's dead." I say not beating around the bush. He face hardens. "It was his fault wasn't it." She says as she starts to stand up. I slowly back away I don't like where this is going. "It was all his fault. He killed her didn't he! He's the reason she's dead isn't he! It's all his fault!" She yells pointing a finger at him. She takes another step toward us I step back, I grab his fingers in my own tightening my grip. "Run?" I say softly enough for him to understand me without her hearing. As soon as he nods we're bolting out the door and pulling out of the driveway. As soon as we get on to the street my mom bust out of the front door yells expletives and un-understandable things. She tries to get to car but we drive off.

We spend the car ride in silence. As we reach his house there's another car in the driveway. "Who's is that?" I ask. He looks at it for a second then says "I think that's my mom's car." I nod. As we walk in a sweet smell fills my nose. I give Gabriel a confused look. He just shrugs and shuts the doors behind us. As we walk in to the kitchen I see a women sitting at the island in the seat closest to the stove. She looks up at us and smiles. Her gazes wonders down to our touching hands and our fingers spring apart. She laughs gently. "Well hello, Gabriel who is this?" She asks. "This is Raven. She's a close friend." He says.  Hold my hand out towards his mom. "Hello Mrs. Winter." I say. "Oh, hello. Call me Sandy." She says shaking my hand. "Can she say with us for a while she's issues." He says hesitating while looking for the right words. Mrs. Wi- Sandy nods. "Of course, but she'll have to stay in your room because I'm sleeping on the couch." She says. He just nods not mentioning that that's what we've been doing for the past two days. But there's only one bed in his room. Gabriel leans over and whispers in my ear "I'll sleep on the floor." His warm breath sends chills down my spine. I just nod and he leans away. Sandy smiles at this for some reason

"Oh, I'm making apple pie. It'll be ready in ten minutes if you want to get settled in." She says cheerfully. I mentally facepalm. I don't have anything. "We need to go back to my house and pray she's not home." I say grabbing Gabriel's hand and leading us toward the door. Sandy gives me a confused look before I walk past the doorway but doesn't say anything. I'm grateful to her.

Back and forth, back and forth. That's all we've been doing all day. His house, my house, his house, my house. My mother's car isn't in the driveway anymore. I bite my lip. So now she mad, drunk, and driving. What could possible go wrong! I sigh. I open the front door obviously she didn't bother to lock the door. Idiot. I walk quickly upstairs Gabriel following. I walk into my room. Nothings disturbed except a shattered picture frame laying in the middle of the room. Shatter glass is everywhere. I walk over to it glass crunching under my sneakers. I carefully pick it up trying not to cut my fingers.

As I turn it over it's a picture of Bethany and me when we about 6 and 7. We're hugging each other facing the camera and smiling and big as I've ever smiled in a picture. It was Christmas and we had got each other the same gift unknowingly. Dad said it was a sign that we knew each other better than anyone else. It made us so happy. We were so close.

A tear falls on to the frame. But my sadness turns into anger. I grip the edges of the frame and walk over to my closet slinging a suitcase onto my bed. I drop the picture into it. I throw almost all my clothes into it which is like four outfits and then I walk to my desk. I grabbing every picture. I grab the journal of Bethany's and I walk into the bathroom. I grab all my possessions from there and storm over to Bethany's room but before I can make it past the doorway I feel two strong hands grab my arms pulling me back.

I freeze breathing hard. "Raven, calm down." Gabriel says into my hair. I try to calm my breathing. My anger subsides. I drop the things in my hands and spin around rapping my arms around his neck. He holds me up. " you." I stutter into his ear. I close my eyes and bury my head into his shoulder. He tightens his grip around my waist supporting me. After a few seconds we pull away. My breathing has calmed down.

I bend down and pick up the things on the floor and put them into my suitcase. I shut my laptop. Pack all the cords and walk over to Bethany's room. It's really dark in here. It's painted a dark purple and the blinds are closed as soon as I open them the whole room lights up.  I look her nightstand she had the same picture of us in the same place. I smile weakly and set the frame back down. I love you Bethany. I sigh and walk out of the room.

A/N okay so this one's pretty long (I think) so I hope you guys enjoy this update

Don't for get to vote, comment, and all that other stuff :)

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