ch 27 part 2

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Gabriel pulls up into the same spot that we been for the past three days. Cole's car is already parked in the spot making it hard to open the doors since it slowly narrows and he got the wider spot.

I get out with Gabriel and grab his hand. We walk for five minutes before we can get to the warehouse. I walk inside, the instability of the building still almost freaking me out. I'm amazed at how low the security is here but I guess they're betting on camouflage more than anything.

Everything's the same as yesterday except my dad isn't here. Cole comes out of nowhere. "Took you long enough." He says rolling his eyes. "I was starting to think you wouldn't come." He slips an arm around my shoulders. I push it off glaring at him. He shrugs and walks over to the tables motioning for us to follow him. As we walk over he says "We are going to split you two up. Raven needs to work on fighting and You need to work on your aim." He says pointing to Gabriel. We nod. "Gabriel your coming with me, Raven you get to go with Adam." He points to the guy from yesterday. Adam stands up. "Let's get this over with." He says and walks toward the other room. I glare at the back of his head. Whatever. I wave bye to Gabriel and follow the douche bag.

When I walk in, Adam's standing in the arena. I walk over and climb up ducking under the ropes. "Today we'll working tactics." He says walking closer and grabbing my wrist. "Try to get out of it." He days while pointing at his hand. I yank at it but his grip is to strong. "Okay, now pull away turning your arm toward my thumb." I brake away easily. "Good." I smile.



Cole and I get out of the same vehicle that we rode in yesterday. I got to the van first so I got to drive. I didn't trust him not to drive us into a wall or something stupid. We go to the back grabbing two guns. He hasn't said a word since we left the building which is surprising.

I undo the weak and next to useless gate and walk to the range with Cole behind me. I reach the screened in area and open the sagging door. It's amazing this place is still standing. I lay the gun and ammo out on the table in the corner. "Your quiet." I say as Cole walks in. "You have a problem with that?" He says scooping up a pack of ammo. "No, but it's unnerving. Make me thinks your planning something and that never ends well." I say. "Whatever." He says walking out of the 'room' to hang targets up at the range. By the time he walks back in, I've loaded all the magazines and grabbed a pair of glasses from the collection of them they have sitting in a basket on a shelf. "We'll, that was quick. Where'd you get those?" He says pointing to the glasses. "Top shelf." I say putting them on and turning away from him. "Huh, I forgot we had those." He says from behind me. I hear a crash and turn around again. The basket fell from the shelf and landed on the floor, sending dust and dirt into the air. I cough and laugh. "Wow." I say as it settles. He rolls his eyes but almost sort of smiles himself a little bit.

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