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2 years later


I walk into her dorm. Her stuff still not completely unpacked. Raven is looking out the window on her side of the room. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She tenses before realizing it's me. 

"Hey." I say. "Hey." She says kissing my cheek and pulling away to sit on her bed. "So, how does it feel being a collage student?" I say smiling. "I'm excited and nervous. But, overall I'm happy to see you. I missed you." She says looking up at me.  "I missed you too." I say siting down next to her. "How's Bethany doing?" She asks. Bethany goes to this collage too. We take separate classes, so we only see each other at lunch and sometimes in between. "She's good, she was really excited when she realized you where coming, actually I'm surprised she's not already here." I say. Raven shrugs. 

Her eyes bright blue eyes sparkle. I kiss her, she puts her arms around my neck. I hear a shocked gasp at the doorway. I pull away. A girl with bright pink hair stands there shocked. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting anything. I can come back later." She says her face growing red. Before either of us can say anything she bolts down the hallway closing the door behind her. 

"I think that was my roommate." Raven says wincing. I laugh. "Well, that was a great first impression." I say. Raven laughs too this time. "I got to get going, I'm going to be late." I say realizing the time. She nods. "I'll pick you up at eight, there's this really nice restaurant nearby." I say get up. She nods. She hugs me before I go. "Okay, see you at eight." She says waving as I leave.

AN: Okay so this is the last chapter of By Chance. *Sniff* But anyway, There's isn't going to be a squeal. Sorry for anyone who wanted one... :( But I am stating another book called The Past, so if you liked this book you might like that one too, so check it out if you want. Thank you to anyone who's read this far. Hit vote if you liked it! :)

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