ch 27 part 1

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I finish the dishes and walk up stairs. It's only been a couple of minutes but Raven is passed out on my bed. I tuck her in, kissing her forehead. She smiles in her sleep, curling up in the blankets. I smile and lay down on the blankets on the floor. I could sleep down stairs on the couch, which would be more comfortable, but it makes me worry less with her in the same room. It's strange that I've grown so attached to her so quickly but everything about her seems perfect, even the broken parts are beautiful.


"Wake up sleeping beauty." A voice says. "Whatever." I mumble. "Don't make me pour ice cubes down your back again." She says. "Yeah, right." I say turning over. She starts to walk out of the room but I grab her ankle and she falls on top of me. "Not so fast." I say opening my eyes. She sticks her tongue out at me. I raise my eyebrow, then an evil grin speaks across my face. "Oh no." She says before scrambling to get to her feet but it to late. I grab her waist and start tickling her. She squeals trying to push away. I laugh. "Why are you so ticklish?" I ask. She doesn't answer still trying to get away. I stop tickling her but don't let go. "If I let you go, you have to promise not to go get ice cubes got it." I say. She nods willingly. Slowly I let go, still not sure if she's telling the truth. As soon as my grip is lose enough she bolts out of the room down the stairs. Of course. I chase after her. She makes it to the kitchen before I catch her. "Lier." I say picking her up. I grab the cup of ice from her hands and dump it on her head. She looks at me with puppy-dog eyes. I frown, she's killing me. She wraps her arms my neck. "Your mean." She says. "It's not fair. You got me twice." She kisses me. I pull her closer. Her hand wonders under my shirt collar and drops something cold. I knew it. She laughs and runs out of my reach. I get the ice cube out of my shirt. She sits on a barstool still laughing. "That wasn't very nice." I say throwing the ice cube aimlessly at her. She dodges it easily. She smiles.

The doorbell rings. I look over my shoulder at the door skeptically. Walk across the room and open the door. Cole stands there. "I see you've finally figures out how other human beings enter each other's houses. "Shut up, I only ring the door bell because Raven has my keys." He says glaring at her in the kitchen. "And your not getting them back either." She says pulling leftovers from the fidge and setting them in the microwave. He rolls his eyes and walks past me. Figures. "Why are there so many ice cubes on the floor." Cole asks when I reach the kitchen. "Because someone thought that's a brilliant way to wake someone else up." I say looking over to Raven. She shrugs. "It worked didn't it." Cole smirks at me. I roll my eyes and sit down at the island, next to Raven. "Can I have my keys back, now." Cole says holding out his hand. Raven shakes her head. "What are you willing to do to get them back?" She asks a smile forming on her face. "I won't kill you." He says rolling his eyes. "I'd like to see you try." She says. He steps toward her but the look she gives him stops him in place. "Dude, I wouldn't mess with her." I say. He puts his hands up in a dramatic surrender. "What are you willing to do to get your precious keys back, considering you shouldn't have them in the first place." She repeats. He stares blankly at her for a moment, thinking. "I'll let you kiss me." He says. I glare at him. Raven scruches up her face. "Ew, no." She says. Self- obsorbed basta- "I'll let you shoot me with a paintball gun." He says. I'm suprised he's offering this for a set of keys. Raven smiles and nods. "Great can I have my keys back now." He says. "Not until you hold up your end of the deal. I don't trust you enough to go through with it if you already have them. "Fine." He says. The microwave beeps and Raven grabs the food. She sets a plate down for me. "Thanks." I say. She nods and grabs the other one, sitting back down. "So why'd you come over again?" I ask. "I came to pick you up." He says leaning on the counter. "We have a car you know." I say. "You don't know where to go." He says frowning. "I do." Raven waves her hand. "Whatever." He says. "You got 20 minutes." He says walking out the door.

We finish breakfast and walk outside. I grab Raven's door, then get mine. "Your seats are way better than his." She says as I get in. "That because he paid 20 dollars to buy the car." I say starting the engine. It roars to life. God I missed that sound.


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