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A man in a dark coat and shiny shoes stands behind me.

He reaches for me and grabs my arm yanking me toward the stairs. I scream. "Let go of me!" I yell. "Gabriel! Help!" I scream. I struggle against his pull. "Let go of me!" I shout again. I kick his legs and shins hoping it'll distract him but it doesn't work. I try to stand up but he just knocks me down again. I hear steps running up the stairs. The man tries to pull me the other way. I grab on to the banister running along the stair case. He pulls harder. I hear a crack come from my arm. I scream, tears coming from my eyes. "Gabriel!" I shout. I shut my eyes.

I hear thump and a groan and another thumb as the man falls to the ground and the grip around my wrist loosens.

Hands take mine and help me to my feet. I hug him as tight as my hurt arm will let me. I open my eyes. "Let me see your arm." Gabriel says lifting it gently. I wince when he raises it to high. "Sorry." He looks at it for a couple seconds. "It broken. We need to get you to the hospital." He says leading me toward the stairs.

"I found something." I say holding out the locket. "Interesting." He says.

"We need to call the police. That guy is still up there. Where's your phone?" He asks. "Back pocket." I reach slowly trying not to hurt my other arm and hand it to him. He calls 911. "Hello...I'm with Raven Woods we're in between Fairfield and Lincoln drive next to Tom Thumb. We were attacked please send an ambulance and police." The person on the other ends says something. "Yes.... I'll stay calm.... trust me I'm not worrying...I get it." He says. He presses the phone to his chin blocking the mouth piece. "Good grief. I didn't say the building was on fire." He rolls his eyes. After 2 minutes of answering the operator's questions of if he's still calm, I hear a siren down the street. An ambulance pulls up beside hid car. A team jumps out of the back. "Is anyone harmed?" The first person asks. "My arms broken." I say. They take me to the back off the truck. Gabriel follows behind them. "Family only sorry sir." The medic says about to shut the door. "I'm her brother." He says climbing in. They shut the door behind him. The set my arm back in place which makes it feel like it's on fire. I try to muffle me scream bitting on my tongue and pressing my head to my knee. By the time we get to the hospital they've set my arm and put it in a temporary brace. Gabriel tries to tell them that it wasn't nessary to bring me all the way here but they ignore him. The docters inside put me in a cast and give me pain killers. Gabriel asks me some questions to fill out the paperwork they gave him. We finish and walk out of the front doors. "Well hope you're in the mood for walking. We don't have a car and we have to walk a mile to get it back." He says. "I could call someone." I say. He shows me my phone. A long crack spilts the screen diagnally. "What?" I say taking my phone. "It must have broke when he dragged you because it was that way when you handed it to me." He says. I look at my phone. I try to unlock it but when my thumb slides across the screen a peice of glass sticks to my finger make it bleed. "Ouch." I say removing the splinter. "I guess we're walking." I say putting the phone in my pocket.

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