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Gabriel's P.O.V.

I can't shake that image. Bethany's dead and I'm going to make them pay. I don't know how yet but I will.

I try to calm down Raven, while trying to not cry myself. Run my fingers through her hair. She calms down and pulls back a little. "She's gone." She says so softly I almost don't hear her.

The image was a picture of Bethany slumped in a chair. She was tied and there was a bullet hole in her head.

I wish I never saw it. I wonder how long she's been gone.

"We need to talk to your brother." Raven says. "What? Why?" I ask stunned. "We need his help to get then back." She says staring out into space thinking. "How would he help us?" I ask. "He has a gang tattoo on his arm." She says. "Mabey we can persuade him to help us." She says. I nod unsure.

"How'd you excape?" I ask. Thinking back. "I punched him." She says. I nod.

I pull out of the ditch and back on to the road. I look over at Raven, still worried. Her tears are dry and she's glaring at her hands. Well I guess that's better than devistation.

She falls asleep again. I'm suprised she's tired, she slept for 6 hours on the way here.

After 2 hours she wakes up and continues with the questioning.

Her: full name
Me: Gabriel James Winter
Me: birthday
Her: October 14, 1999
Her: Pepsi or Coke
Me: Pepsi

She fakes a gasp. "We can no longer be friends." She says dramatically. "Oh, so you like Coke. I agree we can not be friends if we are so different." I say in a weird accent. She laughs. I love that sound.

We make it back to my house at around 11:00. It's almost pitch black or it would be if it weren't for the street lights that are scattered across the road.

She's asleep. I walk over to her side. I pick her up and bring her upstairs to my room. "Good night." I say setting her down gently.

By ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now