ch 30 part 2

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When I wake the first thing i notice is the time. 4:30. Oh well I was going to get up in thirty minutes away. I stomp downstairs purposefully trying to wake Gabriel up. I'm such a considerate friend.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Gabriel on the couch still sleeping. I sit down on teh couch next to him. "Get up sleeping beauty." I say loudly. "Whatever." He grumbles turning away from me. "Are we going to have to go through this whole thing again?" I say sighing. "I don't see a reason not to." His voice hinting with laughter. "Stop being a smart ass and get up. It's 6:26. We're already late I say walking the kitchen. "Wait, what?" He bolts up and follows me to the kitchen. "Just kidding it's only 4:30. but hey, it got you up right?" I say smiling. He glares at me. "That's not very nice of you." He growls stalking over the cabinets. "Never claimed to be." I say smoothly smiling. "Well look who's a morning person now." He says opening a drawer. "Only when it means I get to prank you." I say. He smirks. "Gee, thanks." He say his voice laced with sarcasm.

He makes breakfast, and we take our time eating, since we have so much extra time. By the time we get out the door it's almost five.

I grab a light jacket of Gabriel's from the closet. It's to big but it's to chilly outside for me to care. The morning dew and turning of winter, combines to make a thin frost that hits my cheeks when we step outside. The weather change is dramatic from yesterday. Nut, I like the cold so it's perfectly fine by me.


As we walk into the warehouse I notice five unfamiliar faces in the room. I shot Adam a questioning look as we walk over. "Hey. I'd like you to meet the four other members that will be coming with us today." He says. "This is Braylen." He points to the biggest guy. He stands a couple inches taller than Adam, he's wearing jean and a tank top that exposes his extremely tattooed arms. "Conner, Jeremy, Ryder, and Gunner." He says pointing each of them as he says their names. They all look pretty similar to Braylen.

I nod at each of them and they do the same. Cole walks over too. His normal arrogant smirk on his face. I roll my eyes. "Okay, we'll be splitting into groups." My dads voice booms, causing all of us to turn around to face him. "Conner, your the driver. You are to stay at the car in case something happens." Conner nods. "Adam, Gunner, and Gabriel will be going in first to clear out the first round of guards. "Raven, Cole, and Ryder will be going in second to make sure no one else get through and to make their way towards Bethany and try to get her out the main room she's in. "Jeremy, Braylen, and me will be going in last, to get Bethany the rest of the way out and secure the exit. Is everyone clear with what they are doing?" We all nod, not daring to speak out against him. "Okay then, get you stuff and lets get going." He says heading toward the exit.

I go over to the table where all our stuff is. I strap a holster around my waist and thigh, and put my gun in it, checking to make sure the safety is on. I put a couple knifes that look awesome in the belt too. I turn around to see Gabriel done also. He gives me a lopsided smile and holds his hand out for me to take it. We walk out to the van, climbing in side by side. It takes a couple minutes but eventually everyone is in and ready to go.


We pull into a deserted parking lot a couple minutes away. It's a relatively long walk but they didn't want them to see the vehicle and have any time to prepare. "Anyone who's not in the first part will stay here." My dad faces the guys going in first. "You have ten minutes before the next group, so walk fast and hurry up. Got it?" He says sharply. They nod. Gabriel hugs me. "I love you. Be careful." He says into my ear. I nod. "I will. Love you too." I say without hesitation. He kisses me before pulling away and sprinting off with the rest of the group.

I pace back and forth before my dad barks at us for the second group to go. I sprint, easily keeping pace with the others, thanks to the training of the past two weeks. Ryder slowly to a fast walk when we reach a large building that looks similar to the warehouse that my dad owns. We walk start through the front door. I flinch half expecting and army to come out of the corners and ambush us. But obviously they don't. The smell of blood, unpleasantly fills my nose, making my heartbeat quicken. There are at least a dozen bodies littering the ground. Most of them face down, but I catch a glimpse of one that's not. He doesn't look much older than me. His eyes are open, and a look of petrifying fear permanently etched onto his features. The sight makes my blood run cold. "Stop staring and keep moving." Cole whisper harshly to me. I nod and catch up to them.

"Which way?" I ask. "I don't know which way that they went. So we'll have to split up, I'll go right, you two can go left. I'll be able to handle myself more than either of you alone." Ryder says taking off before either of us can protest.

Great. "You go first I don't trust you behind me." Cole says scowling. "Oh, and I trust you more." I say rolling my eyes starting ahead. Sissy. We walk through a maze of corridors that I easily keep track of. I hear shouting and start running toward it but before I can turn the corner, a hand clamps on my shoulder and yanks me back, causing me to lose my balance and fall. I glare up at Cole. "What the heck was that-" Before I can finish my sentence he pulls out his gun and aims it at me. "What are yo-" "Shut up, before I blow your brains out." He whispers sharply. I pull out my gun as well. He laughs. He starts toward me. "Don't come any closer." I say my voice firm. He tries to kick the gun out my hand but I jump up getting to my feet. He smirks. "Silly girl, do you really think you could beat me." He says coming even closer. I aim my gun but he tackles me causing my grip to loosen on the gun. He wrenches it out of my grip and trows it a couple feet over before it hits the wall and clatters to the ground. He starts throwing punches before I can react. His first one hits me in the jaw causing me to stumble back. I dodge another hit that would of hit me in the ribs. I don't know why he's doing this but I'm not out about to let some arrogant 17 year-old stop me from saving my sister. I grit my teeth. I put my hands up. "I see you finally got the point." He says. I flex my jaw, not responding. I throw a punch before he can continue. I hit him in the side. He winces but stays put. The shouts are coming closer. Then I remember that I have a knife strapped to my hip. I notice his hand slowly going to his back, where another gun probably is. He rushes at me, grabbing my arm and twisting it back. I cry out in pain, but he covers my feet, holding me in an arm lock, my back against his chest. I raise my heel up and stomp on his foot as hard as I can. His hand comes off my mouth and his grip loosens on my arm. I bring my elbow back. It hits his nose. Based on the faint crack and the look on his face, I broke it. He hits me in the side of the head, causing my vision to go blurry for a few seconds, but it's enough for his to swept me. I fall down, my knees slamming into the hard concrete floor. He kicks my side. I bite my lip to keep from crying out. I don't know who the footsteps belong to, but I don't want to invite any more unwelcoming company than I have to. I get to my feet but he's already there. He slams the butt of his gun into my jaw, in the same place he hit me before. As much as I try a scream escapes my lips. He puts me in an arm lock again, this time pushing my arm even farther up. I wince. "Don't try something like that again." He says, He raises a gun next my head with his other hand. My bloods runs cold.

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