ch 11

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After I pull away after what feels like an hour. I look up to Gabriel, with worry still in his eyes.

"Thank you." I say. He just smiles. "Anytime." He says.

RING, RING. My loud ringtone goes off. I wince at the sudden sound. I pull it out of my pocket and answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello, can I speak to Raven Wood?" A deep male voice asks. I raise my eyebrows. "May I ask why you would want to speak to her." I say cautiously. "I need to talk to her about her sister." The voice says. "Speaking." I say still not fully trusting whoever's one the phone. "She's alive." The voice says. I frown. "And just how do you know that? By the way who are you?" I ask. "A message came to me from her number and I'm her boyfriend." I nearly drop the phone before he can finish the first sentence but manage to keep my grip. My mouth opens in shock. I gulp. "Where can we meet?" I ask. He gives an address. "Be here at five." He says.

I hang up. I drop the phone onto the console and lean my head into my hands that lean on my knees. I see Gabriel looking at me from the corner of my eye but I don't say anything and neither does he. I take in a deep breath, recomposing myself.

I look up my hair falling away from my face. He looks at me expectantly. "Mind taking a trip?"I say with a glint in my eye and a sideways smile.

A/N okay sorry it's so short but I'll publish ch12 tomorrow I just wanted to end it here. *evil grin*

Also the cover at the top is made by my awesome friend jasmine. Thx. And don't forget to check out her page she's got a really good story going too.

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