ch 30 part 1

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After a hour or so Raven and Cole come back from the shooting range. Raven's eyes full of energy. I smile at how happy she looks. Cole slips an arm around Raven's waist. I glare at him. Raven elbows him hard in the ribs causing him to bend over holding his side. She smirks and walks to my side. "Hello." She says cheerfully. "Hi." I say looking down at her smiling face. I lean down and kiss her. "Ew, get a room!" Cole shouts in a high pitched annoying kid voice. We both glare at him this time. He just stands there with a satisfied smirk.

Her dad walks over. "It's late I think it's abut time you kids should be getting home." He says. "Haha! Yeah, 'kids' you should get home." Cole saying acting like an immature three year old. "I'm talking to you too, Cole." He says raising an eyebrow at him. Cole's smile falls. We laugh at him. Raven and Cole start towards the door with me about to follow but a hand wraps around my forearm.

I turn around to see a very unhappy dad. "This is a warning, break my little girl's heart and I will come after you." He says glaring at me. I glare back. "Says the dude who's been absent for the past two years of her life." I snap and wrench my arm out of his grip.

"What's was that all about?" Raven asks when I get closer to where she is waiting. "Nothing." I mumble as we walk out into the chilly night. She looks at me from the corner of her eye. "Your lying." She says accusingly. "Yes, I am." I say still looking straight ahead ignoring the questioning looks that she gives me.


AN: Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I'm working on a new book that I'm going to publish after I finish By Chance, so I'm splitting time between that book and this one. Also I published a full chapter earlier than normal this week so I hope you aren't to mad. I'm sorry. :(

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