
22 3 0

A week later


It's almost midnight as Gabriel pulls into the driveway. We're getting home at the same time that we have almost every day this week and the lack of sleep is starting to catch up to me. I stay in my seat leaning against my hand even as he turns off the car and walks around to my side to open my door. "Come on sleepy head." Gabriel says. I moan and lean my head against the seat still not getting up. He laughs and leans over me to undo my seat belt. He picks me up and carries me to the door, setting me down so he can unlock it. I lean against the house unable to keep my balance. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs and tucks me in. "Goodnight." He says kissing my forehead and going back downstairs, since he's started sleeping on the couch again. I stare at the doorway in the spot where he was just standing until sleep pulls me under.

I stand in sparsely lit room. A bright light light comes on with a loud clunk. One my vision adjusts I see Bethany and Raven standing side by side in front of me. Both standing with their hands at their sides, their faces showing no emotions and their gazes empty and distant. I feel a familiar weight form in my hand. I look down to find my 9 millimeter in my grip. A cool hard circular object is pressed against the back of my head. A gun barrel. A lump form in my throat when I realize what's about to happen. "Shoot." A voice that I recognize but can't quite place. I stare at the two people in front of me not moving. "Shoot them before I shoot you." The voice says. The barrel pushes harder against my skull. "1, 2, 3..." It continues. I don't move. A hot tear sliding down my cheek. "4, 5, 6, 7..." It continues. "No." I say my voice shaking with emotions. "8, 9... this is your last chance." It says. I drop the gun. It makes a loud sound as it hit the concrete. "10." I hear a sound bang just before everything goes black.

I scream, sitting up quickly causing my head to spin. I hear running footsteps coming up the stairs, Gabriel appears in the doorway. I put my head in my heads sobbing. He sits beside me, wrapping his arms around me. I cry harder when his warmth hits me. "It's okay." He says into my hair. He doesn't say anything else till I stop crying. His thumb stokes my face wiping the tears from my cheek. I look at his soaked shirt. "Sorry." I mumble my voice cracking. "Don't apologize." He says so quietly I almost don't hear him. I lean my head on his shoulder, my breaths slowly becoming more even. I pull away, wiping away what ever tears are still there. "Are you okay?" He ask. I nod slowly. "Are you sure?" He says skeptically. "Yes." I say. "Okay. Try to get some sleep." He say standing. I grab grab before he can leave. He looks at me questioningly. "Please stay." I say weakly looking up at his eyes. Emotion conflicts in them before he says "Okay." He lays down next to me wrapping his arm around my waist. I lay my head in his shoulder. "Goodnight." He say quietly. I close my eyes. In the moments before I fal asleep, I hear him whisper, "I love you, Raven."

And maybe I would said it back, but I'm to far gone

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