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It's been 1 years since my sister didn't come home. 1 year. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days since my sister disappeared off the face of the earth. Today would be her birthday, she would be turning 18. Every one of her birthdays I call her phone. I don't know why. Maybe because part of me is hoping she'll pick up, that she'll answer and wonder why I'm so excited. The logical part of me knows that will never happen, but there's always hope. I dial her number and like every other time it hangs up and goes to voicemail mail. "Hi, this is Bethany sorry I'm probably busy, leave your name and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Bye." A beep goes off and I hang up. I sigh. "Happy birthday." I whisper. I wish she was here. 

"Raven there's a guy at the door asking for you." My mom says from down the hall, interrupting my thoughts. I walk to the front door. "Can I help you?" I say as I open the door. He has short but thick brown hair, so dark it almost looks black and his eyes are a shade of green I didn't think was possible as an eye color. I freeze. "Hi, I'm looking for Raven Woods." He says. "Why are you looking for her?" I ask looking at him skeptically. "I wanted to tell her about her sister to see if I could help. I know it's been a long time but I just found out a couple days ago that she had a sister." He replies. "Speaking." I say. "Oh, your her." He says with surprise. "Can I talk to you?" "How do you now know about my sister?"I ask still not totally trusting his story. "Oh, I was her best friend."

"Uh.. come in." I stutter. He walks into the mudroom. "Thank you." He says. I nod and walk down the hall." Follow me." I lead him to the living room. "Make yourself at home I'll be right back." I say and run up the stairs to grab my journal that I started the day Bethany when missing. It has has writing and photos lodged in between the pages. The covers bent at one corner and a couple pages are about to fall out. I walk back down stairs and into the living room. "Hi." I say sitting down with a pen grabbed randomly out of jar sitting on the end table.

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