ch26 part 2

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Bang! Bang! Bang! I lean back because of the kick of the gun. I shift my feet to try and steady myself better. I hit off center by an inch, it's been over a year since I've shot a gun so I'm off a bit. Gabriel on the other hand has only shot once or twice so he's off for other reason. I set my gun down on the half wall. I grab on of his hands moving it from the bottom of the gun to the side. "Hold it like this, and raise your elbows. Move your feet farther apart to square them with your shoulders." I say. "What? I didn't hear the last part?" He says. Oh, I forgot that we're wearing headphones. I push his right foot over with mine. "Square your feet." I say louder, he nods.

Cole is sitting at a table in the corner. "So I'm guessing your aim's so perfect that you don't need to practice." I say raising a eyebrow. "Better than your's." He say leaning farther into the chair. "Prove it." I say challenging him. He stands up and walks over. He picks up my gun and fires three times at the target. One hits the bulls-eye the other two stray from the center but only by a couple centimeter. "Told you." He says and starts back over to the chair. I pick up the gun. Inhale, aim. Exhale, fire. The gun goes off without me moving. Inhale, exhale. Repeat. I look away from the barrel and up at the target. All three hit the same exact place in the very center of the target. "Show off." Cole mumbles under his breath. I shrug. "I've been shooting for 4 years longer than you. Did you actually expect to win." I say. He just rolls his eye and grab a gun off the nearby table. I'm honestly surprised that that worked, even though I'm good I'm not normally that accurate.  


Gabriel is getting better at this. He's hitting the bulls-eye more often than not. Which is almost surprising considering when he started he couldn't hit the center to save his life. Ironically scary. After a couple hours it starts to get dark and someone suggests that we pack up and leave. Cole climbs in the middle so my dad says some else has to drive. Gabriel volunteers. "Any speeding tickets you get us, your paying for." Cole says. Gabriel rolls his eyes. "This thing can barely go 40, let alone go fast enough to speed." Gabriel says starting the engine. My dad sits in the passenger seat again so I'm stuck next to Cole. Great.  

The guy from earlier, I think I caught his name as Adam, finishes packing up everything and we start back to the warehouse. Cole's hand finds it way to my knee. I immediately slap it away. He tries again and I stop on his foot with my heel. His face is hilarious considering I'm wearing heeled boots and he's wearing sandals. 

After forever, we reach the warehouse. Thankfully, I just want to get home. Today was fun but I'm exhausted and I just want to go to sleep. We all get out just for Gabriel and me to get back into Cole's car so he could drive us home. I'm sure how I feel about us being here without an independent way to get home. I'm not so sure that leaning on Cole to get us home is such a good idea.

We get home and I get out of the car as soon as it stops not bothering to say by to Cole. Gabriel follows and unlocks the door for us. I slump into a bar stool.  As tired as I am I haven't eaten since this morning.  Gabriel makes dinner for the both of us and we sit together at the dinning table in the corner. "I think we should drive ourselves to the warehouse, I don't trust Cole enough to be our main source of transportation." I say. Gabriel nods. "Yeah, I like my car better anyway." He says smiling. I laugh. Gabriel's car was much nicer than Cole, plus in had a working air condition. We finish dinner and Gabriel starts on the dishes still refusing to let me help. "Well if your going to be so stubborn I'm going to bed." I say kissing his cheek and I start up the stairs. As soon as I reach his bedroom I collapse onto the bed. I sigh. I end up falling asleep before I can even get under the covers.

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