ch 13

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We settle on ordering pizza for dinner. We spend 15 minutes arguing about the toppings. Only after we agree on pepperoni do we realize the delivery man already hung up. We call again. "He said it'll take 30 minutes to get made and be here." Gabriel says. I nod.

"Let's find a movie." He says and walks toward a closet in the corner of the living room. He opens it. There are five selves lined with movies each one in a specific spot. It looked so perfect I was afraid to touch it. "Horror, action, chick flick (those are my mom's not mine), sci-fi, and romance (those are also hers)." He says pointing to each shelf. I look up. I smile. "Chick flick." I say teasing. He puts his head in his hands. "No, please don't make me." He says. I laugh. He falls to his knees putting his hands together. "Please! Please don't make me. I did nothing to deserve this punishment! I'm innocent!" He says being way over dramatic. "Oh, be quiet you big baby I was joking." I say standing on my tippy toes to try and grab one from the top shelve that was action. He smiles getting up back but hits his head on the door knob. "Ouch." He says rubbing his head. I smile while trying stand taller to grab the movie.

Okay so I'm not short or anything but that shelf is way to high. He laughs seeing my poor attemp. I stick my tongue out at him then focus back on my goal of getting the movie. He stands up then I feel hands on my waist. "What are you do-" I stop talking as he picks me up. "Hey put me down!" I yell laughing at the same time. "You want the movie right?" He asks. I nod. "Then stop fighting and grab it." He says. I take the movie I want, and he sets me back on the ground lightly. "You know it would of been easier to just get it for me right."I say turning to face him. He shrugs.

The door bell rings. He answers it. I hear talking to someone then door closes. The smell of melted cheese floats around the house. Pizza. I rush up to him taking it from him and rushing into the kitchen. I set it down then realize that I have no clue where the plates are. I cross my arms. "You walk to slow." I complain. He laughs. I'm acting like a five year old but I'm hungry so I don't care. He pulls plates out of the cabinet and sets them down. "Grab how many pieces you want, I'll start the movie." He says walking back into the living room. I grab two and follow him, sitting down on the couch.

He starts the movie and walks back into the kitchen to grab his food. He walks back in turning the lights off. Making it dark, with the only light source being the TV. He sits down next to me. We eat in peace, watching the movie.

The movie was kind good. Some part where stupid and others where really unrealistic but over all it was good.

He turns on the lights. I wince and bury my head in the soft couch fabric. "It's to bright." I moan. He laughs. "Come on let's go to bed." He says. "But if I get up I have to open my eyes and if I open my eyes I'll be blind but if I don't open my eyes I'll walk into stuff." I complain. I'm already half asleep and not thinking straight, I feel like it would be putting my life on the line to walk up stairs right now.

Arms slip around my back and behind my knees. "Your seriously going to carry me." I say as he pulls me into his chest. "Would you like to walk?" He asks. I shake my head no and stop talking. I wrap hand around his neck to keep me from falling even though I doubt he would drop me. He takes me up the stairs and into his room. He sets me down on his bed and pulls the covers on me. "I'll take the couch you can sleep here." He says. I nod still not opening my eyes. "Good night." He says and kisses my forehead. That got me to open my eyes. But before I can say anything he walks out of the room closing the door behind him. Well now I'm awake. Great. After a few minutes though tiredness kicks in a again and I fall asleep.

A/N okay so it's been a long time since I've updated and I'm sorry this one's so short but I'm making another one right after this so I hope that one will be better. I was actually planning on writing this yesterday but then i remembered that was my birthday so i was busy but I wrote it today so i hope u like it. Also the cover at the top was made by JasmineFranta3 so a thank you to her.

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