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My feet are killing me. We are just a couple blocks away. Thankfully.
We had to walk 4 miles to get here.
"I'm so happy they had to take me all the way to the hospital." I say. "I know right, it was so convenient." He says adding to the sarcasm. I laugh. It takes about 5 minutes to get there.

He unlocks the car. I gratefully hop in.

"I wonder if they caught that guy." He says. "I doubt it." I say. "Why do you say that?" He puts the car in reverse and pulls out of the gravel drive way. "They took to long. He would have regained consiousness by the time they reached where he was." I say thinking of the loud crack I heard when Gabriel punched him in the face. "Thank you." I say. "Your welcome. It's not like I was going to let him kidnap you." He says.

"Oh my God. Gabriel what of that was the same guy who took my sister." I say. "It's possible. Hey, can I see that necklace you found." He says. I pull it out of my pocket and hand it to him. He looks at it for couple seconds his vision switching between the road and the object in his hand. "I don't think he wanted you to have this." He says. "Probably." I say.

He looks up at the mirror hanging above our heads. "I think someone's following us." He says. I spin around. There's a yellow and black 4×4 behind us. "He's been on our tail since we left that factory." He says. I frown. How many times do we have to get in trouble. "Take 3 rights turns around a neighborhood. Just to make sure." I say. He does as I ask. The truck keeps following us. Oh no. "How much gas do we have?" I ask. "Half a tank." He says glancing at the dash board.

I swear the world is conspiring against me.

By ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now