ch 22 part 2

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We pull up into an alley with my hand still in Gabriel's. He tightens his grip when he realizes what area we're in.

Cole gets out of the car and starts walking. We hurry to catch up with him. "Come on." Cole says turning down another alley. Right, left, left. I think keeping track might come in handy. We walk through a rotten wooded door that's of the one of its hinges. It's pitch black then I hear a click and lights slowly turn on. One by one they go on by rows illuminating the room which happens to be gigantic. It empty when it comes to people. Four tables that are put side by side hold guns and ammunition. There's a wall on the other side of the room that has papers randomly stapled to the wall. I remember this place. Memories try to come back in but I block them. There's four doors on the wall in the back. "Is he here?" I asks. Cole nods. Weirdo, what idiot leaves the light. I walk to the door third to the left and open it against Cole's protest of danger and crap. The room has it's light on and there's a desk that faces the door. It has a computer with papers throw across the entire surface. My father sits at the desk, a look of shock on his face.

After his moment of shock he stands up and walks toward me. "Oh my gosh. Your here. Look at you." He says quietly. His arms open for me to hug him. I don't move. I cross my arms and shift my weight to my other foot. He frowns and puts his arms down. I here footsteps behind me. Gabriel and Cole show up in the doorway. Cole's glaring at me and Gabriel's glaring at my dad. "Was there actually a reason for me come here or was that story just a sorry attempt to win your daughter back." I ask. "I want to keep you safe, even if you don't believe me, I still love you." He says. I roll my eyes. "And how are you planning on protecting me. I can handle myself, especially after you left me with my drunken psychopathic mother." I say. "I had to. To keep you safe." He says. "This isn't safe." I say pointing to my bruised cheek. His mouth opens but then shuts as if he doesn't know what to say. "Leaving me without telling my mother why isn't keeping me safe. Joining a gang isn't keeping me safe. Getting Bethany killed isn't keeping her safe!" I yell tears running down my face. He doesn't say anything just stares at me poker faced, which doesn't help. "Stop pretending and face reality. You chose this over us. You joined this crap after you got married so obviously we weren't your first priority." I say. "So why did you really want me to come here? And don't lie or I'll leave."

He sighs and sits back down behind the desk in the chair.

"Bethany's not dead." He says looking me in the eye searching for any emotion.

My stomach lurches but I keep a straight face and my voice steady.

"And how do you know that? You saw the picture I'm guessing. What's your explanation for that?" I ask glancing at Gabriel from the corner of my eye. His scowl at my father has turned into a worried look aimed at me. I swallow my emotions that are rising in my stomach.

"Costume makeup." He says casually still trying to see the effect of his statement. I refuse to give him anything.

"Why would they try to say she's dead if they want ransom?" I ask.

"They showed you the picture because you were searching for her. You don't have the money I do. They never showed me that picture. I found out when the system said the case was closed. They knew you would tell the cops so that got them off the search too." He says.

It makes since. Which also means she's not dead. A tear slips past the barrier of water building in my eyes. I wipe it away quickly with the back of my hand. I nod.

"How do we get her back?" Gabriel and I ask in unison.

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