ch 29

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When I wake up I don't open my eyes because I'm afraid that the light that normally shine through the normally open curtains will blind me. I shift, turning my head only to hit something hard. I open my eyes to see Gabriel 's collarbone. Well that would explain it. I look across the room noticing the un-normal darkness. The curtains are closed. Oh. The sudden movement makes my head hurt. 

I lay back down without thinking and land on his shoulder. Oops. Gabriel's face twists. "Ouch." He mumbles rubbing his shoulder non-consciously, his eyes still closed. "Morning, sleeping beauty." I say smiling. "Uh huh." He mumbles putting an arm over his eyes, covering the top part of his face. I lean on his chest, putting my head under my chin. He looks down at me. "Hi." I say. "Hey." He say putting his arm down and instead playing with my hair that's laying on my shoulders. His finger tips accidentally touch my shoulder, sending chills down my spine. We lay there for a couple seconds before a shrieking sound goes off. I cover my ears and bury my head in his shirt. I feel his muscles move as he reaches over to turn off the alarm clock. "We need to get up." He says. "I realized." I say my voice muffled by his shirt. He laughs lightly. "That requires you moving." He says. I pull the covers over my head and curl into a ball. "I'm going to make breakfast, come downstairs if want it." He says before kissing my head and getting up. I watch him walk away and daydream for a few seconds before following.

I get changed and go downstairs before taking my normal seat at the island. "What for breakfast?" I ask still half asleep. "What do you want?" He says raising his eyebrows. "I don't know?" I say closing my eyes. "How about eggs and bacon." He says. "Sure." I say yawning. I hear pans clattering and the stove turn on. I feel Gabriel's gaze on me but I don't open my eyes. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, the smell of bacon fills the air.  We eat breakfast and drive to the warehouse.

"Look who took their time." Cole says as we walk in. I roll my eyes not rewarding the statement with an answer. "Raven I want to show you something." My dad saying from the computers in the corners. "Okay." I say walking over to him. My relationship with him has gotten slightly better over the past week. I don't want to yell at him every time I see him anymore. "We got this ,we got this footage this morning for some reason the camera went lack then was crystal clear, like it was replaced with a better camera or something. Anyway you can see the face very clearly." He say says pointing the screen. The image shows my sister. Her face bruised, her lips cracked. My breath catches and my heart swells with the desire to protect her. Only, I can't it's just a picture. "We have to save her soon." I say. "I know." My dad says. "I'm thinking in two days. It'll be Saturday and not as many people show up in the shots during that day. Probably because it's the weekend." He says. I  nod. "Okay." I say as Gabriel and Cole walk over to the tables. 

"They got some footage that shows that it's definitely Bethany. We're going to attack on Saturday." I say to Gabriel figuring Cole's already been filled in with the information. He nods. 

"You get to go shooting with me today." Cole says to me. "Great." I say under my breath. Cole laughs at my comment. I roll my eyes. I walk toward the front doors that still creep me out. "You coming jerk face." I yell back to Cole over my shoulder, who's still standing in the same place. He runs to catch up to me. 

After about 30 minutes we get to secluded shooting range, arriving a couple minutes earlier than normal because I got to drive. We get out of the car walking to the back to grab our supplies. I wrap the headset around my neck and stick the safety glasses on my head. I grab my favorite gun ever, and make my way down the range to get to the building. All the while Cole right behind me not saying anything.  He puts up targets before walking up the range. I fire at the target next to him before he can get up all the way. He ducks even though it wasn't anywhere near him. He lets out a long string of expletives before getting up. "What were you thinking you idiot?! You could of missed and shot me!" He yells. "One, I never miss. And two, do I looking that considered about your safety." I say shrugging. He yells a couple more unpleasant words at me. "Are you going to walk up here or am I going to have to fire again. And this time I won't 'miss'." I say quoting the word with my fingers. He rushes into the building. He scowls at me before setting down his things next to me. I smirk. 

Early chapter! Yay!

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