Chapter 1

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"Fuck!" Kara groaned as she saw the lights of the cop car behind her as she pulled over. She had her license and insurance ready by the time she watched the figure walk up to the side of her car, his flashlight out. She rolled her window down as she watched him lean down, suddenly slightly nervous at coming face to face with the attractive man with big blue gray eyes. "Evening officer."

Chris gave the woman a small smile, "ma'am. You have any idea how fast you were going?"

She shrugged, never commit, never admit to anything. "I'm not really sure, sir. I'm sorry."

"Right. Well, license and registration." He held his hand out to the woman, watching her place her stuff in his hand as he took it back to his car. He plugged in her information, not seeing any other offenses or even a parking ticket. Her driver's license stated she was from Maine, so what was she doing in Boston this late at night? He sighed, sitting there for another minute to make her wait, letting her squirm. He looked at the license, "30 years old. Definitely looked younger than that." He got out of the car, handing her stuff back to her, "Kara Montgomery, I'll let you go with a warning."

"No it's Kara." She rolled her eyes as he said it wrong again, this time with a smirk, "no. Like a car. Car-uh."

Chris laughed, nodding as he repeated it back to her, "car-uh." He saw her smile as she turned completely to look at him when he saw it. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. His smile faded as he brought his hand up to her dark hair, seeing her flinch as she tried to move away from him as he brushed hair off the right side of her face to display a giant bruise under her eye. "Ma'am, do you feel safe to go home?" He looked in the backseat to see boxes and a suitcase.

She blushed, brushing him off of her as she put her hair back, "I'm fine."

"Look at me."

She sighed, hesitating before locking eyes with him. "I'm not going home, I'm going to my sister's house here in Boston. I'm fine."

He nodded, pulling a card from his pocket, "okay then. Call me if that ever changes."

Kara nodded, accepting the card as she looked at it. "Thank you Officer.. Evans."

He smiled, "please slow down. Have a good night."

"Thank you. Goodnight." She let out a deep breath, tossing his card into her purse with her stuff as she drove off, slower than before.


Kara let herself into her sister Elisa's house, knowing she was expected. She grunted as she felt her sister's arms around her, "I'm fine!"

"Uh huh!" Elisa inspected her sister, bringing her hand up to her hair as she flinched, knowing her sister didn't like having her face touched. "What else?"

"Nothing! Leave me alone." She brushed past her sister, carrying her bag inside as she set it next to the couch.

Elisa noticed her sister limping as she set her bag down. She saw the dried blood on the side of her leg, "oh my god! What the hell Kara!" She pushed her sister to sit on the couch as she inspected the cut on her left leg. "What happened?" She saw her try to stand up, but she pushed her back onto the couch, "don't go anywhere." She went into the kitchen to grab a warm wet washcloth, going back to her sister. She knelt next to her, cleaning the dried blood so she could look at the cut, "you need stitches. Are you going to tell me what happened? You drove all the way here like this?"

Kara shrugged, "yeah. I don't use my left leg to drive."

"You're an idiot. For so many reasons. Come on, I'm taking you to the hospital to get that stitched up." She sighed as she heard Kara start to cry, "it's fine. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

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