Chapter 5

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Kara exited her room on Friday in a black wrap dress when she heard the knock on the front door. She sighed, answering the door to come face to face with Eddie. "Hey. I think Elisa is just getting Spencer's bag together."

"Kara." Eddie smiled, eyeing her up and down, "you look great. Elisa told me you were in town. How are you?"

She sighed as he kissed her cheek, "I'm okay Eddie."

He nodded, running his hand along her cheek as she pulled away from him, making him drop it, "well you look good."

Kara was thankful they were joined by Elisa and Spencer as she sat to put on her shoes. She smiled as Spencer gave her a hug. "Behave for your dad bud. I'll see you on Sunday." She watched Elisa talking with Eddie for a few minutes before he left with Spencer, giving her a small smile as he left. "Let's get this over with."

Elisa laughed, wrapping her arm around her sister's shoulder, "that's the spirit."


Kara groaned, "I really don't want to be doing this."

Elisa grinned as she grabbed her hand, "come on. Hot police officers and firemen. Even if we don't bid on any of them, we can still look."

"Whatever. I'm getting a drink." Kara laughed, going to the bar to grab drinks as Elisa grabbed them a table. When she turned away from the bar, she almost ran into someone, looking up to see him grinning at her.

"I thought it might have been you. You look beautiful Kara"

She blushed slightly, "thank you Chris."

He smiled, "you're welcome." He looked around at Elisa, "are you here to participate?"

She shrugged, "oh, I don't know yet. I wasn't planning on it." She took a step towards him, "do you think that I should?"

He nodded, bringing his hand up to run his thumb along her cheek that sported a bruise a few weeks prior. He smiled, noticing she didn't pull away from him, "I hope that you do."

She gave him a small smirk before going to sit next to Elisa, handing her drink to her.

"You guys are so cute."

Kara rolled her eyes, "shut up. I think he wants me to bid on him."

"I'd say so." She motioned behind Kara as she turned around to see him watching her as he talked to some other officers. "He's so hot Kara. I don't know why you haven't agreed to go out with him yet. I do think he has a crazy ex wife though."

Kara shrugged, looking back at Elisa, "I don't know if I'm ready to move on yet Elisa." Just like that, a blonde woman came up to them, looking at Kara. "Um, can we help you?"

The blonde crossed her arms over her chest, "stay away from Chris, he's mine."

Kara laughed as the blonde glared at her. She stood up from her seat, seeing Chris watching their exchange. "Well you seem to be confused about proper etiquette. I can try to help you." She held her hand out to the woman, "I'm Kara, your name is..."

The girl rolled her eyes, ignoring Kara's hand, "Jessica." She poked Kara in the chest, "and stay away from Chris. I told you, he's mine."

Kara laughed again as Jessica sauntered away. She looked back at Elisa who was also laughing. "What the fuck was that?" She looked back at Chris who looked at her apologetically as she sat back down at the table.

Elisa laughed, "I told you, crazy."

They turned their attention to the stage as the auction started. Elisa got a date with a fireman before they finally brought Chris to the stage. She watched Jessica bet on him right away with a few others. She saw him look at her, raising an eyebrow as he waited. She sighed, standing up, "five hundred dollars." She watched him grin before biting his lip as she heard Jessica from a few tables over.

"Six hundred dollars."

Kara looked at her to see a smug look on her face as she crossed her arms again. She rolled her eyes, looking back at Chris, his eyes pleading that she continue. "Fine. One thousand dollars." She ignored Elisa hitting her on the arm as she kept her eyes on Chris. She heard Jessica huff before stomping off.

The auctioneer smiled, "well that's the most anyone has gone for all night. Thank you Ms..." Chris leaned into his ear as he smiled. "Ms. Montgomery." He hit the gavel, commencing her win as she watched Chris wink at her before exiting the stage.

Kara felt Chris come up behind her, hovering over her as she wrote a check for her bid. She turned to him as she finished, "well, I hope your date is worth it Evans."

He laughed, "certainly going to have to step it up now, aren't I?" She nodded as she felt him grab her hand. He smiled as he felt her squeeze his hand, "I'm sorry about Jessica, making you spend more than I'm probably worth."

She shrugged, "well we both have our share of crazy exes, huh?"

"I guess so. Sunday? I'm off. I'll text you."

She chuckled, "finally an excuse for you to use my number."

Chris laughed, "yes. And gives me a day to plan something more than just a picnic which was all I was planning on doing."

Kara giggled, "okay. Let me know tomorrow night?"

He nodded, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek, "I will. Goodnight Kara."

"Goodnight Chris."

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