Chapter 20

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Chris felt Kara stop walking just as they approached the front door, "what, now you're nervous?"

She chuckled nervously as she nodded, "well yeah. It's your mom." She held up her cast to him, "and I still look like this."

He ran his thumb over the small scar on her head that was all bruised now, "it's fine. She knows."

"She knows I have bad taste in men?" She smirked as he scoffed but she laughed and wrapped her arms around his torso. "I'm only kidding. It's a joke."

He leaned down to kiss her on the head, "I know. Besides, my sisters and brother like you so it'll be fine."

She sighed, "I don't think Scott likes me per se, he just doesn't hate me like he did before."

"Whatever, come on darling." He grabbed her hand as he led her into the house to the kitchen where his mother was. "Mom, this is Kara. The woman you've heard about. Kara, this is my mother Lisa."

Kara groaned, "oh no. What has she heard?"

Lisa laughed, "just the beautiful girl he pulled over some two months ago. And then you showed up where the girls work. You've been talked about quite a bit the last few months." She put her arm around Kara's shoulders, "don't worry. Nothing bad."

"If only I could believe that." She followed Chris to the table, sitting beside him between him and Scott. "Thank you for inviting me over for lunch Mrs. Evans."

"Ugh. Lisa, please." She sat at the table, smiling at Kara, "been asking Chris to bring you for a while."

"Well, that's probably my fault. I'm not used to the whole big family thing."

Lisa nodded, "Chris said your parents are gone?"

Kara smiled, "that's right. Just me and my older sister now. Well, and my nephew Spencer."

"Oh. She isn't married?"

Kara felt Chris rest his hand on her thigh under the table as she sighed, "no. But Eddie— the father, he's very much involved and they have an amiable relationship."

Lisa nodded, "shame they couldn't make it work for the boy."

Kara laughed, "oh no, they were never together. It was a drunken one night stand that changed a lot of things." She cleared her throat as she shook her head, "but it doesn't matter."

Scott interjected, looking over her at Chris, "do you know what you're going to do about Jessica?"

He groaned, "no."

"Are you mad I went behind your back?"

Chris sighed, "no. I was going to insist on a test once she had the kid, but this saves me a lot of time." He looked at Scott, "I'm not mad, okay?"

Scott nodded, "good. I was worried because it's been a few days and we haven't talked since then."

"It's really fine Scott." Chris scoffed, "well it isn't fine. I'm an idiot. But I'm not mad at you."

Kara reached over to squeeze his hand, "you aren't an idiot. You wanted to believe her because you wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because you want to see the good in people. There's nothing wrong with that."

Chris leaned over to kiss her, "thank you. I love you."

She grinned, "I love you too."


Chris sat on the edge of the bed removing his shoes, "see, meeting my mom wasn't so bad, right?"

Kara sighed, "no. It wasn't so bad." She laid back on the bed beside him, staring at the ceiling.

"How are you feeling?" He laid back beside her on his side, his head propped up on his elbow.

She chuckled, "feeling fine, why?" She turned to look at him as he lifted her shirt slightly to run his fingers along her stomach, "oh. You mean that?" She giggled, placing her hand at the nape of his neck to pull his mouth to hers. She moaned softly when he moved closer to place half his body weight on hers. "Go easy on me." She sat up to remove her shirt and bra before crawling back onto the bed.

"Of course." Chris stood up to remove his clothes down to his underwear before joining her back on the bed. He helped her remove the rest of her clothes before hovering his body over hers. "Your ribs still sore?"

"A little." She smiled when he nodded, kissing the base of her neck before nipping gently at the delicate skin there. He was careful not to put any weight on her as he kissed down her neck to her collar bone as he removed his underwear. She moaned when his mouth encased her left nipple, tugging gently on it with his teeth. "Chrissss."

He chuckled, positioning himself between her legs. "Slow and steady." He rubbed the tip along her wetness a few times before entering her slowly like he promised. He heard her groan as she threw her head back, "it's okay?"

"Very." She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her so her lips could make contact with his. "I won't break. Just make love to me like you normally would and if it's too much, I'll tell you."

He nodded, thrusting into her as she moaned, "if you insist." He smiled when she chuckled and nodded before pressing his lips back to hers. When they finished, he laid beside her on his back. "I didn't hurt you?"

She laughed, "only a tiny bit. But I don't mind a little pain. I missed it."

"Me too." He rolled to face her, "move in with me." He put his hand up before she could protest, "you practically live here anyways. You only go back to your sisters when you need more clothes. And I need to have you around. Please."

Kara just laid and stared at him for a while before nodding, "okay."

"Really?" He grinned, "I thought you would say you wanted to think about it."

She sighed, "I almost did. But I'm trying to fight my instincts to run far away from you. I love you and I want to be here with you. I'm terrified, but I think that means this is what I should do. I want to move in. Like you said, I'm practically living here anyways."

He laughed, "I'm so happy you didn't fight me on this. I was prepared for a fight. I love you Kara."

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