Chapter 14

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Kara groaned when her eyes fluttered open, the bright white lights above her causing her head to ache more than it already did. She looked to her left to find Scott beside her, "Dr. Scott."

He smiled softly, "hey." She tried to push herself up to a seating position but winced and yelped in pain as she looked down to see her left arm in a cast, "you broke your arm when you fell."

"What else?" She felt someone step up to her right side as she felt Chris grab her hand, "Chris.."

He smiled down at her, his eyes red and swollen from crying, "you hit your head, and needed stitches. You have a concussion and a broken arm and some bruised ribs."

She nodded, "and the baby?"

Scott was the one to answer as she turned to face him, "I'm sorry, you lost the baby."

She watched him exchange a look with Chris before looking back at her. She looked back at Chris as she let go of his hand, bringing it to her stomach. "I didn't realize how much I wanted it until the decision was made for me."

Chris groaned, "I'm sorry darling." He brought his hand up to her cheek as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I'm so sorry."

She nodded, "where were you Chris? I called you all day, but you ignored me all day and never messaged me back."

He looked at Scott before looking back at her, "we can talk about that later Kara."

"No! We'll talk about it now!" She winced, gripping her ribs as she tried to sit up again. She turned to Scott, "help me sit up a bit." He sighed but nodded and pressed a button to help to prop her up a bit. "Chris? I needed you."

Chris shook his head, "I know Kara. I'm really sorry."

Kara nodded, pulling her hand away from him when he went to grab for it. "What happened? Between you and Jessica today? Are you reconciling?"

"No! God, of course not."

"Then what is it? I thought we were past the point of keeping things from each other Chris."

Scott interceded, "she should really try and get some sleep, it's late. Maybe you guys should talk about this tomorrow."

"No!" She shook her head adamantly, "no. Not until he tells me what's going on."

Chris groaned, "she's pregnant."

Kara heard Scott gasp beside her as she glared at Chris, "how do you know she's telling the truth?"

He sighed, looking at the ground for a moment before looking back at her and Scott, "I saw the ultrasound and she's starting to show."

She felt him reach for her hand again but she pulled it away from him, closing her eyes as she faced her head away at the same time, "get out."

"But Kara, I—"

"Get out!" She heard them both leave her alone in the room before she let the tears fall. She groaned when she heard the door open, surprised to find Eddie enter alone, "what are you doing here?"

"Elisa told me what happened, she's on her way. How are you?"

She only shook her head, turning away from him as he sat on the side of the bed beside her. "Please go.. I don't want any visitors right now."

He didn't move from his spot, grabbing her hand, "Kara, I'm sorry."

She sighed but looked at him, "for what?"

"You know what. For everything."

She scoffed, "well, me laying in the hospital just pulls at your guilt. It means nothing coming from you right now."

He nodded, "I know. What else is wrong? Besides the obvious?" She shook her head as her chin trembled, threatening to give her feelings away. "Kara?"

She looked him in the eyes for a few quiet moments as she tried to catch her bearings, "how come all the men I fall for have babies with other women and not me?"

"Oh Kara." He groaned, reaching forward to wrap his arms around her. "You have no idea how much I regret hurting you in that way. But I can't say I would take it back because it gave me Spencer and he's everything to me."

"I know." She nodded as he pulled away to look at her when Elisa entered.

"I'll leave you to it. Let me know if you need anything at all Kara." He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek before passing Elisa on the way out.

"Kara, what happened? Chris said he found you at the school. That it was Kyle?"

She nodded, "seems he isn't done with me yet. We struggled and I fell down the stairs. I'm fine. I really just want to be alone."

Elisa shook her head, "I think being alone is the last thing you need. What did you and Eddie talk about?"

"It doesn't matter. I really just want to sleep, please Elisa. Come back tomorrow?"

Elisa sighed but nodded, "yeah. Okay."

Kara watched Elisa leave as Scott came back in to check on her. "Can I sleep now?"

Scott nodded, "yeah. I'll turn off the lights when I go. Are you okay?"

She shrugged, "seems you were right, I'm not good enough for your brother."

He groaned, "Kara, I never—"

"It's fine. Just go." She turned her head away from him as she heard him sigh before turning off the lights for her, leaving her in the darkness.

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