Chapter 4

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Kara got her stuff settled in her classroom when she heard someone knock on the door, peeking a head in. She stood up from her desk to greet the woman, "hi."

"Hi! I'm Shanna Evans and this is my sister Carly. We teach here. I teach 2nd grade and Carly teaches 5th grade. It's nice to have a new face around."

Kara smiled and nodded as she shook both women's hands. "Kara Montgomery. Evans? Not Chris.. good lord, I can't get away from you guys."

Shanna laughed, "yeah, sorry. So you're Kara."

Kara nodded as she watched a look pass between the sisters, making her groan internally. "Oh god, you know who I am? I don't know if that's good or bad."

Carly laughed, "it's fine. You're Spencer's aunt? Stella was talking about you."

"Yeah. She's a sweet kid."

"Thanks. We should get our own stuff set up. We just wanted to introduce ourselves."

She watched Carly smile before shooing Shanna out of the classroom. Kara groaned, sitting back at her desk when she heard a bell and kids started piling in.



Kara looked up at her sister at the dinner table a few days later as she sat beside her. "So.. what?"

"Well there's a charity auction next weekend that I wanted to go to, but I didn't want to go alone. But now you can go with me?"

Kara continued to watch her sister, knowing there was more to it than just that. "Okay? What kind of auction?"

Elisa shrugged, "it's a charity auction where they auction off dates with local firemen and policemen."

Kara laughed, "so a meat market?"

"Please? You don't have to bid on anyone, just come and look at them all with me."

"What about Spencer?"

"He'll be with Eddie all weekend. Please! Officer Evans I'm sure will be there."

Kara groaned, "fine. But I'm not going for him or to bid on anyone. I'm just going for you." She rolled her eyes at her sisters squeal as she got up from the table to place her stuff in the sink. She went into her room, thinking about the fact that she would have to face Eddie. He was one of the reasons that she left New York to begin with. He had started dating her first when he cheated on her with Elisa. Her and her sister had long since patched their relationship, but she couldn't face Eddie, moving to Maine; and that had worked out so well for her. She groaned, laying back on the bed as she stared at the ceiling.


"You again." Kara saw Chris when she turned the corner of the aisle at the grocery store on Sunday morning again. She watched him turn around to her with a smile.

"Kara. I have to admit, I was mildly hoping that I would run into you again."

She gave him a smile, "only mildly?" She grinned as she heard him laugh a little too loudly as she shook her head.

"Maybe more than mildly?"

She nodded, brushing past him to grab something off the shelf behind him, "well, I've officially met all your siblings. I can't seem to get away from you Chris."

He smirked, leaning down towards her as he placed his hands in his pockets, "do you really want to get away from me?"

"Yes." She giggled as he pretended to be hurt.

"Words hurt Kara." He watched her start to walk away, "wait." He caught up, walking beside her slowly, "can I buy you lunch? Or make you lunch?"

She sighed, turning to face him, "Chris.. Look, I think you're sweet, and you're obviously attractive. But I'm not sure it's a good idea."

Chris smiled, "you think I'm attractive?"

She scoffed, laughing as she started to walk away but he grabbed her arm gently. She looked down at his hand before looking back up at him, "Chris.."

"Sorry." He pulled his hand away, "first of all, you only keep saying that you don't think it's a good idea, not that you don't want to. Second.." He ran his fingers gently along her arm as she looked up at him, "not every guy is going to hurt you. I'm certainly not going to."

She sighed, brushing his hand from her arm, "I know that Chris. But I'm not ready." She felt him grab her hand, running his thumb along her knuckles.

"Okay. When you are ready, I'm here."

She chuckled, giving him a small nod, "you've made that clear." She pulled her hand away to walk away before turning back to him once more. She rested her hand on his arm, "thank you, for being so nice." She hesitated before leaning up to kiss his cheek as he leaned down for her to reach.

He watched her linger before walking away from him as he smiled.


Kara smiled at Scott as he entered the doctor's office on Friday afternoon, "hey."

"Ms. Montgomery. How is your leg feeling?"

She shrugged as she watched him sit on a stool, looking at the stitches in her leg. "It feels fine Dr. Scott."

"It looks good. Let's get them out of there."

She nodded as he worked in silence, feeling awkward. "I keep running into your brother. And now I apparently work with your sisters."

Scott let out a small chuckle, "I heard." He looked up at her, "Chris says you keep turning him down to go out."

Kara blushed slightly, "he told you that?"

Scott shrugged, "we're a fairly close family. I think it's good you keep turning him down."

"Oh?" She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling offended as he continued to pay attention to his work, "why?"

Scott scoffed, "for one, it's good for his ego to be turned down by pretty girls from time to time."

She nodded, letting out a small chuckle as he looked up at her, "and two?"

He hesitated, suddenly flustered at not wanting to hurt her feelings.

She shook her head, looking away from him, "you don't have to say it, I already know. Are you done?"

Scott stood up, "yeah. Keep it clean and bandaged. Call me if it opens up."

"Yeah. Thanks."

Scott watched her grab her stuff to leave as he groaned, "Kara. I'm sorry."

She shook her head, not turning back to look at him, "no. It's really fine. I get it, believe me. Thanks Dr. Scott." She left him standing in the exam room alone as she rushed to her car before he could see the tears. She rested her head on her arms on the steering wheel, letting them fall freely for a few moments before pulling herself back together to drive home.

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