Chapter 12

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"It's been almost two weeks now Chris, I wish you would stop fussing over me." Kara scowled as she tossed her stuff into the back of her car as Chris stood in his uniform beside it when she finished school for the day.

"I know. But just because he's been silent doesn't mean he's given up. I'm worried about you darling. That's all." He grabbed her waist to pull her closer to him as she sighed, resting her head on his chest.

"I know you are babe. But I'm okay." She pulled away after a few minutes, her hand going to her stomach. "I have enough to worry about."

Chris nodded, concern on his face, "have you decided what you want to do?"

Kara groaned, "no. Can you really help to take care of a baby that isn't yours?"

Chris nodded again with no hesitation, "of course, if that is what you want."

"Can I look the baby in the eyes and not think about how they were conceived?"

Chris sighed as she began to cry softly and he pulled her back to his chest once more. "It's okay darling. You still have some time. You don't have to decide right this second. Have you considered adoption?"

"I have. I just don't know if I want to put myself through all of that either." She pulled her head away from his chest to look up at him, "I don't know what to do Chris."

"I can't tell you what to do. I'm sorry. It needs to be your decision. Now, will I find you in my bed when I get home?"

Kara laughed, "would you like to?"

He grinned, grabbing her chin to pull her lips to his, kissing her softly. "Very much so darling. Very much so."

"Then so it shall be. I'll see you later. I need to go home and get some stuff done first."

He pulled away to head to his own car, "okay. I'll see you later then."


Chris groaned when he looked down at his phone when he was driving home at the end of his shift to see Jessica's name. He let it ring a few times before finally answering, "what do you want Jess?"

'Wow, that's a rude way to answer the phone.' He didn't say anything as he waited for her reason for calling. 'I need to talk to you, can I see you for lunch tomorrow?'

"What for? I have nothing to talk to you about."

She scoffed, 'yes, but I have stuff to talk to you about. Please Chris.'

He rolled his eyes, knowing this was some sort of manipulation tactic. "Why can't you tell me now?"


He groaned, "fine. Text me when and where." He hung up the phone without waiting for a response as he pulled into his driveway to a dark house. When he made it into the bedroom, he found Kara already asleep under the covers. He grinned, removing his uniform as quietly as he could before stepping into the bathroom to shower. Once he finished, he slid into bed behind Kara, wrapping his arm around her as she whimpered softly.

Kara turned to face him, resting her head on his chest, "hey."

Chris kissed the top of her head, "go back to sleep."

She stirred, leaning up on her elbow to look up at him, "what's the matter? I can feel something is wrong."

"It's really nothing. I just want to sleep." He pulled her back to his chest, "just sleep darling." He heard her sigh but go quiet as she traced her fingers along the lines of his muscles of his stomach.


Kara squealed when she felt Chris come up behind her in the kitchen, squeezing her sides. She turned to face him, hitting him on the arm, "don't sneak up on me!"

He laughed, "sorry."

She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling his lips to hers as he moaned softly. "Jerk." She turned back to the stove where she was making breakfast. "You were rattled when you came to bed. What's the matter?"

He watched her plate some eggs and toast for them as he made them both some coffee before sitting at the table, "Jessica called me on my way home. She says she needs to talk to me about something and asked that we have lunch together today."

"Oh." She sat across from him, "should I be worried about you and her?"

"About me and her in what way? If you mean romantically, then no way. There's no lingering feelings there for me in any way."

Kara shrugged, "okay then. Let me know what she wanted later?"

Chris smiled, "of course. She probably wants money. It's nice not having to deal with someone being jealous."

"You have given me no reason to be jealous. So I'm not." She smiled at him over the rim of her coffee cup before setting it back on the table, "I'll be late tonight. I have first quarter parent teacher conferences. That is if you want me to come over."

Chris laughed, "I always want you to come over darling." He smirked at her as she shook her head and giggled quietly.

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