Chapter 24

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Kara opened her eyes to find Chris standing over her with a smile, "Chris? What happ.." She started to frantically check her body but she felt fine, no pain. "What happened?"

"You passed out. The stress and lack of food was too much for your body. But don't worry, you and the babies are fine."

She sighed, nodding, "what about the gun shot? Eddie! Is he okay? He pushed me out of the way!"

Chris nodded, "he did. He's okay. Kyle didn't get anything vital. Shot him in the shoulder. I'll take you down to see him in a bit."

"Okay. He's awake?" She saw him nod as she rested her head back on the pillow as he continued to stare at her. "Wait." She looked back at him again, "did you say babies? As in more than one?"

He laughed, "I did. Took you a while to get there. Always thinking of everyone but yourself. A doctor came in and gave you an ultrasound to check on the baby." He looked up as Scott and another doctor came into the room. "Well now that you're awake, you can see for yourself."

The doctor smiled at Kara, "I'm Doctor Parkins. Seems you had a small scare, but I assure you that both you and the babies are all okay. But you need to make sure you're taking better care of yourself. Yes?"

Kara nodded, "yes. Can I see them?"

"Of course you can." She motioned to Scott, "is it okay if he stays?"

Kara smiled, "of course he can, he's the uncle."

Scott grinned as they all watched the doctor pour the cold jelly on Kara's stomach before moving the wand along her stomach until the heard the sound of heartbeats. Dr. Parkins pointed to a small blob, "see this right here, that's one heart beat. And there's another right here." She moved the wand to show the other heart beat as Kara began to cry. "You look to be about 10 weeks." She cleaned off her stomach, "you're free to go home. But like I said, make sure you're taking care of yourself."

Kara nodded, "I will. Thank you." Once she was dressed, she grabbed Chris's hand as he led her to Eddie's room. He was awake and talking to Claire. "Eddie! I was so worried."

He grimaced and grunted as she threw her arms around him. "I'm fine love. I'm just glad you're okay."

She pulled away, "I'm sorry if I hurt you. Why did you push me out of the way?"

He scoffed, "why wouldn't I? Are you okay? You fainted."

Kara nodded as Chris came up to place his hand on her back. "I'm perfect. You didn't just save me, but you saved the babies too."

He looked at her surprised as him and Claire spoke in unison, "babies?!"

She laughed, "yeah. I'm pregnant and I just found out we're having twins. I passed out because I didn't eat anything all day. And then you add on the stress of Kyle.." She looked back at Chris, "what happened to Kyle?"

"He was arrested. He won't be able to hurt you anymore Kara."

She sighed and nodded as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the head. She grabbed Eddie's hand, "thank you, Eddie."

He nodded, "you're welcome. But do your best to stay out of trouble. Getting shot is not as fun as it sounds."

Kara laughed, "yeah yeah. I owe you."

Eddie shook his head, "no way. You owe me nothing." He brought her hand up to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. "Seriously. Just take care of yourself and your babies."

She nodded, "I will."

Chris nudged her, "come on. Let's get you home."


"Chris! How can you keep the sex of the baby a secret from me?"

Chris and Kara laughed at Lisa as they gathered their families for a gender reveal. They hadn't told any of them yet that they were having twins. The only ones that knew were Scott, Eddie, and Claire. Kara winked at Eddie and he laughed. She looked at Chris and he nodded so she looked back at everyone. Once everyone had cupcakes, she asked them to start eating them.

Lisa grinned, "it's pink inside! You're having a girl?!"

Elisa shook her head, "no. Mine is blue."

"What is going on? Are you guys being funny?" Lisa looked back at Chris and Kara as they laughed again.

Chris wrapped his arm around Kara's shoulders. "No." He shrugged, "well maybe we are being a little funny. But we are having both a boy and a girl because we are having twins. We were waiting to tell anyone until we found out the genders."

Kara nodded, "that's right. Sofia Nicole and James Anthony. Due at the end of July."

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