Chapter 22

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Chris found Kara in the kitchen making cookies as people started gathering at their place for Christmas Eve. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing his chest to her back as she smiled.

"Chris. You're going to mess up my frosting." She moaned softly as he began to kiss her neck, starting at her shoulder, moving up to her ear.

"Auntie Kara!"

Chris pulled away when Spencer entered the kitchen he gave a small smile to Elisa as she entered with Eddie and another woman he assumed was Eddie's girlfriend. After greeting Spencer, Kara came to stand at his side, greeting her sister first before turning to Eddie. He gestured to the woman beside him, "Kara, this is Claire. Claire, this is Kara and her boyfriend, Chris."

Kara smiled at them both, shaking Claire's hand, "it's nice to finally meet you."

"Same! I've heard a lot about you."

Kara groaned, looking at Eddie, "hopefully not too much."

He laughed, "no. Not too much."

Chris left the kitchen for them to talk. He heard Eddie follow him, stopping him in the hall. "Hey. I just wanted to say thanks for inviting us. I know it was for Kara. But still."

Chris laughed, "well yeah. I did it for her and for Spencer. We're serious and that means our families are going to be spending a lot of time together so I wanted to make sure we all got along."

"I appreciate that. Especially considering our past."

Chris shrugged, "Kara told me you used to be really close and wanted to try to be friends again. I support her and trust her." He hesitated for a moment as he watched Eddie, "are you still in love with her?"

Eddie chuckled, "I love her. I always will. But I have no notions about us ever getting back to where we once were. Look, I will always carry with me the fact that I hurt her and it will always remain the biggest mistake of my life. But I can't possibly say I regret it because at the same time it gave me the best thing in my life, my son. I have moved on though and I'm only looking for a friendship with her. Nothing more."

Chris squeezed his shoulder, "I'm glad."

Eddie grabbed Chris's arm before he could walk away. "Just be careful with her. She hides a lot of her pain because she doesn't like to feel like a burden."

Chris sighed, "I know. I've seen the scars. She said you were the one to suggest she try boxing instead." Eddie nodded as Chris continued. "She starts a class after the first of the year. So thank you."

Eddie smiled, "you're welcome. And I'm glad."

Kara came up and grabbed Chris's hand, "no fighting?"

Chris laughed, "no. Of course not." He put his arm around her shoulder, "we were just talking."

She nodded, looking at Eddie, "I really like Claire. She's nice."

"I'm glad you like her." He leaned closer to her and lowered his voice, "I was thinking about asking her to marry me soon."

She squealed and he hit her in the arm, making her laugh. "Sorry." She wrapped her arms around him, "I'm really happy for you."

He grinned and nodded, "thanks."


Kara woke up on Christmas morning alone in the bed. She looked around and spotted an envelope on the dresser across the room with her name on it. She opened it to find a small card inside.

Have to work for your present
If a clock can tell time
And a pencil can write
What do you need to take a big bite.

She squealed, running down the stairs to the kitchen. She flipped on the light, hearing Dodger come up behind her to sniff her leg. "Morning bud! Merry Christmas! Has daddy been up all morning hiding stuff?" She opened the silverware drawer, finding another envelope.

From my reflection
You can see your complexion

She groaned, "you have any idea how many mirrors there are in the house?!" She didn't hear anything so decided to go back to their bedroom to their bathroom where she found another envelop taped to the mirror.

Open me up and take a peek
Inside you'll find a frozen treat

"Seriously?" She ran back to the kitchen to find a new envelope taped on the freezer door. "Are you watching me?!" She laughed, yelling into the house, "I know you're enjoying making me run around." She pulled off the envelope and opened it up.

The next clue is by something that comes in twos
You put them on before your shoes

"For fuck's sake." She went back to the bedroom, pulling open her top drawer to find another envelope.

I'm extremely humble
As I make your clothes tumble
(I love you, don't be mad. You're almost done. -C)

Kara went back downstairs to the laundry room, opening the dryer to find yet another envelope.

Turn out the light
And rest your head on me tonight

She shook her head, carrying the envelopes back up to the bedroom once more to find Chris sitting on the bed. "Seriously?"

He smirked and shrugged, "I've been here the whole time, darling."

She laughed and jumped onto the bed, "where's my present?" She squealed when he grabbed her waist, pulling her to lay down on the bed beside him.

"Now aren't I enough?"

She grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck, "of course you are babe. But you've teased me and sent me around the house. I deserve something."

"Hmm." He smiled, sitting back up. "Sit up and close your eyes."

Kara sighed, but did as he requested; sitting up and closing her eyes as she heard him go into the closet. After a moment she felt the bed shift behind her and she felt him place a necklace around her neck. She opened her eyes and looked down to find a small diamond heart. "Aww. Chris. I love it. Thank you."

He shifted, moving around to her front as he laid on his side, "you're welcome. Merry Christmas. Hopefully first of many."

She grinned, "it definitely will be. Merry Christmas, Chris." She wrapped her arm around his waist as she laid beside him, pressing her lips to his.

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