Chapter 13

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Kara sat at her desk after the last of the parents left the conferences when she heard someone enter the classroom. She smiled when she looked up to find both Shanna and Carly entering.

Carly stopped in front of her desk, "we just came to check on you since we are on our way out. Can we walk you to your car?"

Kara chuckled, "don't tell me Chris told you to keep an eye on me."

Shanna shrugged, "he might have."

"I'm fine. I'm almost done here and then I'll be heading to his place. Really, you guys can go. I'm okay." She watched them both nod before going to leave. She stood up from the desk, "wait. Have either of you talked to him today?"

Shanna looked at Carly before looking back at Kara, shaking her head, "we haven't, but that isn't exactly abnormal. Something wrong?"

"No no." She sat back at her desk, "he had lunch with Jessica today and I haven't heard from him. He said we'd talk about it. Probably just wanted to wait until he got home later. Don't worry about it." She smiled at them as they both hesitated but nodded and left her alone in the classroom. Once she finished, she pulled out her phone to call Chris as she started to walk the dark halls to leave the school. He didn't answer so she left a voicemail. "Chris, I don't know what is going on, but you haven't called me back or answered any of my texts today and that isn't like you. You said we would talk about whatever Jessica wanted today." She sighed, stopping at the top of the stairs in front of the entrance to the school. "I'm leaving the school now to come over, or should I just go home? Call me back or I'll just go home. I—"

"Ms. Montgomery.."

Kara turned back to the sound of the voice and felt her heart fall to her stomach, "Kyle, what are you doing here?"

Kyle smirked at her, "I came to have a chat with the teach... I miss you Kara."

She groaned as she placed her phone back in her purse, "it's time to move on. For both of us. We are no good together, we never were. I need you to stop bothering me while I try to start my new life." She kept her voice steady and firm even though her heart was beating so hard she thought it would beat right out of her chest. She felt sick to her stomach when he started to move towards her slowly.

"Move on? To that cop? Please Kara. Don't do this." He reached out to grab her hand but she pulled away, moving a step closer to the stairs. "I need you sweetheart. You're it for me."

Kara shook her head, "well you aren't it for me. I'm sorry." She turned towards the stairs but felt Kyle grab her before she could descend, instead grabbing her to pin her against the wall. She struggled against him as he kept his forearm on her chest to keep her pinned to the wall, "get off me!"

He grinned, hovering his face just inches from hers as she tried to turn away from him, "but it's you and me baby. Always has been. I love you Kara."

She scoffed, "you don't know what love is, now let me go!" She used all her strength to push against him as she brought her knee up to his groin. He grunted, releasing her for a moment before grabbing at her again, making her tumble down the stairs as she yelled out. She felt as if she hit every stair on the way down as she tried to put out her hands to catch herself before hitting her head on the ground at the bottom and everything went black.


Chris answered the phone when he saw Carly's name, "hey."

'Hey? What's going on Chris?'

He sighed, "what do you mean?"

'I mean, Kara is still at the school and obviously has something going on in her head. And she said you met with Jessica today and haven't talked to her all day. What happened?'

Chris groaned, "I don't want to talk about it until I talk to her about it first."

He heard silence on the other end for a few moments before Carly finally broke the silence, 'are you going back to her? Kara doesn't deserve you stringing her along.'

"What?! No! Of course not. I would never go back to her. That's not it at all."

'Then what is it?'

"I.. I just have a lot on my mind is all. How is Kara?"

'She seems upset you haven't talked to her all day. Shanna and I just left the school. She's the only one still there.'

"You left her there alone?! I have to go." He hung up the phone before she could respond as he got in his car to head to the school. As he drove, he heard his phone ring again, this time it was Kara. He just missed picking it up on time as he waited for the voicemail. He heard another man's voice in the background calling to her before she hung up the phone. "Fuck." He wasn't prepared for the sight of her face down on the ground just inside the entrance to the school, a small pool of blood underneath her. He pulled out his phone to call the ambulance as he checked for a pulse, "thank god. I'm going to take care of you darling, I'm so sorry."

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