Chapter 25

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"Chris. I'm tired. I just want to go home. We've been walking around all morning." Kara complained as Chris laughed and gripped her hand tighter. He led her inside a favorite restaurant of theirs.

"Let's just get something to eat then. And then we can go home. Aren't you hungry?"

She grinned, "sooo hungry." She heard him laugh again as he led her further inside to a back room. As soon as they entered, their families and friends stood in front of them, yelling 'surprise' to her. She laughed, turning to hit Chris on the chest, "you plan this?"

"Not just him." Elisa came up to hug her, "we wanted to throw you a shower for the babies before they come." She placed her hand on Kara's stomach, "which looks like any day now."

Kara swatted her hand away, "there's two. I know that I'm huge, you don't have to rub it in."

Chris laughed when she pouted slightly, feeling a little insecure about her stomach lately. "You look beautiful, darling. Don't worry." He glared at Elisa, "your sister didn't mean anything by it."

Elisa nodded immediately, "I'm sorry love. I didn't mean anything. Come on. Eddie and Claire are here as well as all of Chris's family."

Kara let go of Chris's hand and followed her sister into the party. She greeted Shanna and Carly as well as Meredith, another teacher from their school. "Hey guys. I'm glad you're here." She looked past them to see Chris talking to Eddie. Despite their past, she was glad that they had started to become friends. Chris never really had guys he hung out with besides Scott. She looked back at Elisa, "I'm hungry. Chris promised me food."

Scott laughed, already having made a plate of food for her. He led her away from everyone to the table, "here you go. We talked to Chris about everything you're eating lately and all that makes you sick."

She grinned, looking down at the plate of fruit and pickles, practically all she could eat recently. "Thanks Scott. You're the best uncle ever."

"What about me?" Eddie came up to the table with Chris as him and Chris both laughed.

Scott rolled his eyes, "I'm the actual brother and uncle. You're just a friend uncle, so I trump you."

Eddie laughed and sat across from him and Kara. He motioned to the seat beside him as Claire came to sit beside him, "sure. But my son will be their cousin. So... Uncle Eddie for the win."

"That's enough." Kara turned to Scott, "yes you are Chris's brother and technically more of an uncle than Eddie is. But that doesn't diminish his part in the babies' lives as well." She turned back to Eddie and Claire, "it's obvious they'll be receiving a lot of love and that is all the matters to me. We never had a big family growing up. So I'm glad they will have to many aunts and uncles. Now everyone stop fighting or I'm going to have to start talking about hemorrhoids and swollen ankles and all the bad side effects of pregnancy."

Chris laughed as he sat beside her, "there's been plenty of good ones too though."

Kara blushed, knowing he was talking about her heightened arousal since being pregnant. She nudged his shoulder, "shut up." She stuck a pickle in her mouth as he laughed again and kissed her forehead.

Towards the end of the shower, Kara watched Chris carry things out to the car as everyone started to clean up. She pulled Eddie off to the side, motioning to Claire who was talking to Elisa, "so how's it going with Claire?"

Eddie grinned, "so great. She's moved in and everything is great. She gets along so well with Elisa and Spencer loves her." He watched Kara wince and grab her stomach, "are you okay?"

She nodded, "yeah. James is a kicker." She grabbed his hand, placing it on her stomach as James kicked again. "Can tell the difference between the two. Sophia sort of floats and is graceful. James is aggressive and wants to hog all the attention."

Eddie laughed, "I can't wait to meet them. Thanks for giving us a chance to be friends."

"Of course. I know we've both moved on. And I didn't really have any other friends here anyways."

He laughed again, "so friends by default then?"

She grinned, "something like that." She looked past him to see Chris come back into the room, stopping in the center.

Chris smiled, talking loud enough for everyone to stop what they were doing as he motioned for Kara to come to him. "I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for everything they've done to help us with the babies thus far and for the wonderful shower. We love all of you so much and can't wait for you to meet the twins." He grabbed Kara's hand, making her turn to face him. "And you. You are more beautiful everyday despite what you say. I know you're uncomfortable and I know you can't wait to have the babies. Our relationship has been quite the roller coaster, but we're really only just beginning."

He knelt down on one knee as Kara felt her heart begin to race. She placed her hand over her mouth and shook her head. She forgot everyone else in the room as she watched him pull a small box out of his pocket.

Chris only grinned as he grabbed her left hand in his. "Kara. I love you so much. I think a part of me has since I first saw you. I was never really a believer in fate until I met you. I was not happy, but comfortable going through life thinking I would never meet that one great love you're told about as you grow. But I have no doubts now that meeting was destined for both of us long ago. You make me feel like we've always known each other while also keeping me on my toes as I learn more about you everyday. Will you marry me Kara?"

She only stood there for a moment, absorbing his words as she tried and failed to wipe away the tears that streaked her cheeks. She shook her head, "I thought the same, that I would never meet my one great love either. I had given up on it a long time ago until I met you. You never gave up on me, or us, no matter how many times I shut you out or shut you down. You've forced me to grow and you've shown me how deserving I am of love even on days I don't feel it. I love you too Chris and of course I will marry you."

He laughed, standing up as he slipped the ring on her finger. He pulled her lips to his as he heard the faint cheering of their family. He finally pulled away, leaning down to her ear, "you're always deserving of love and I'll spend the rest of my life to make sure you never forget that." She nodded as he brought his thumbs to her cheeks, wiping away the stray tears.

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