Chapter 17

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"Why am I here again?"

Chris sighed as he grabbed Kara's hand outside the restaurant to meet Jessica for lunch. "Because I want to show a united front. She needs to know that we are together in this and that she can't come between us. She will try."

Kara nodded, "okay." She squeezed his hand as she let him lead her inside. She could tell Jessica was annoyed with her being there when she stood up to greet Chris. She examined her stomach, the small bump protruding under her tight sweater.

"What is she doing here?"

Chris gave her a curt smile as he sat down at the table beside Kara. "She is my girlfriend, so it's only right she be included in discussions about me and the baby since she is a big part of my life."

Kara smiled at him when he squeezed her thigh under the table. She rested her head on his shoulder as Jessica scoffed. "What about me? I'm the one having your baby, not her."

"That may be true, but that doesn't change how I feel about you. If you thought that because you're pregnant I would come back to you, you're mistaken. Now, why am I here?"

Jessica rolled her eyes as she laid the ultrasound on the table for him. "For this."

Kara looked at it, "so you're almost 16 weeks?" She saw Jessica smile and nod. "When did you find out you were pregnant?"

Jessica looked at Chris who only shrugged, "answer her."

"I found out just before the auction." She didn't bother looking at Kara, pretending she wasn't there. "I was going to tell you then, but you ignored me for her."

"But then why did it take you so long to say anything?"

Jessica shrugged, "because you were with her. I considered not telling you at first."

Kara scoffed, "or he isn't the father and that is why you weren't going to say anything but then changed your mind when you found out we were together. So you were hoping you having his baby would make him run back to you."

Jessica shook her head, rolling her eyes, "that's ridiculous."

Chris sighed, "how far along were you at the auction?" He took a moment, thinking about it, "around 10 weeks?" He watched Jessica nod and shrug. "But we didn't sleep together for probably almost 2 months before we split officially."

"You don't remember getting drunk on your birthday?"

Chris leaned back in his chair, aware Kara was watching him. He crossed his arms, "sure I remember drinking. I don't remember sleeping with you. And I'm sure I would." He stared at Jessica, "you wouldn't do that though, right? Tell me I'm the father when I'm not?"

Jessica scoffed and crossed her arms, "of course not Chris."


When they finished lunch, Kara followed Chris outside, "I don't believe her."

Chris sighed, turning back to face her as they reached his car, "I know you don't, but I have to."

"Why?!" She scoffed, "why do you have to?"

He looked at the ground for a few moments before looking back up at her. She inspected the torn expression on his face as he finally broke the silence. "Because if she's lying, if she's the type of person to lie like this then I'm an even bigger fool than I thought I was. Letting her in." He shook his head in anger, "no. I have to believe that she wouldn't do that."

Kara finally sighed, resting her hand on his chest to help calm him down, "and if she has?"

"I don't even know." He opened the passenger door for her. She got in without another word, sliding into her seat as she watched him go around to the other side.

After a few minutes of silence while he drove, she broke the silence. "Can I ask how you met her?" She watched him shift uncomfortably in his seat as he stared out the window in front of him, "Chris?"

"I... I met her when I volunteered at a domestic abuse shelter. She had been there for a few months at that time and we started talking. I went back to see her once a week and then more often when she moved into her own place."

Kara groaned, "I see. Can you take me to Elisa's? I need to be alone."

Chris shook, "no. Please don't do this. Don't shut me out now."

She scoffed, turning to look at him, "you obviously have a type. Poor damsel in distress that needs you to swoop in and save her. Well I don't want to be that girl Chris! Ugh!" She hit the dash with her casted arm, wincing in pain after she did. "Please. I just want to be alone for a while." She heard him sigh, but turn to take her to her sister's house. She sat in silence in the front seat for the longest time as they sat in front of the house, neither of them wanting to break the silence.

"It was always different with you. You have to believe that. I love you Kara, not like I've ever loved another. And it has nothing to do with seeing you as someone that needs my help. Quite the opposite, you're the strongest person I know." She sighed, turning to face him, second guessing getting out of the car, knowing he needed her as much as she needed him.

She removed her seat belt, leaning towards him to rest her hand on his cheek as she kissed him. "I love you. I'll call you later." She left him in the car without another word, entering the house without looking back.

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