Chapter 8

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Chris carried Kara to his bed, setting her gently on top as he pinned her under him. He kissed and bit and lapped his tongue along her shoulder to her neck. He trailed kisses along her jawline, only instead of moving back up to her mouth, he continued his assault as he moved down towards her bare breasts as they laid exposed in front of him. He twirled his tongue along her right nipple before taking it into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. He let her moans guide him, nipping at it gently with his teeth before pulling his mouth back to do the same to the other side.

Kara groaned as Chris explored her body, the heat surging through her body, down between her legs where her wetness was already pooling. "Chris.."

He smiled at her whimper, pulling off her underwear, seeing the wetness already for him as he groaned. He stood up, getting undressed the rest of the way as she watched him. He kissed up her legs, to her thighs where she had neat little cuts like tally marks she obviously self inflicted. He sighed, kissing each little scar before looking up at her, "we're going to have to talk about that later."

She could only nod as he positioned himself between her legs, bringing his mouth down to hers as she felt him plunge his tongue into her mouth, searching out hers. She moaned loudly, wrapping her arms around him as she obliged and their tongues fell into a heated exchange, twirling together. She bucked her hips up, feeling him hard against her, wanting him inside.

Chris chuckled, pulling back to look at her, "tell me what you want baby."

She whimpered, whining as she looked back up at him. She was at his mercy, and she enjoyed being there. "Please Chris. I want to feel you." She heard a small growl erupt from his chest as he gripped her thighs, pulling her hips to him. He grabbed a pillow, shoving it under her hips as he lined his cock up at her entrance, making her whimper again before allowing her to fully engulf him in one swift motion. She yelled out, seeing him grin at her reaction as she pulled his mouth back to hers.

Chris dug his fingers into her hips, gripping as he thrusted into her in slow steady pace as she moaned under him. He watched her face, enjoying watching her eyes darken with lust and hunger, glazing over slightly as she focused on the pleasure, the pleasure he was giving her. He wanted to watch her come undone for him, right there as he watched her. In between moans he heard her utter for him to go harder, sending jolts of pleasure through him at her command. He obliged, thrusting harder into her, pulling out to just the tip before slamming back into her, allowing her to feel every inch of him as she dug her nails into his back. He was pretty sure she might have drawn blood, but he didn't care at the moment if it meant he was doing what she wanted.

She looked up at Chris, his grin as he watched her. She knew he was enjoying watching the pleasure on her face, but she had trouble focusing on him, her vision becoming slightly blurry as she focused only on him inside her. With every slam, it sent a shockwave through her, bringing her right to the edge. She dug her nails into his back, trying to hold onto the orgasm, not wanting to give into him so quickly. She heard a small grumble from him as she dug her nails in but he didn't complain.

He finally leaned down, hovering his lips over hers, "let go baby. I want to watch it." He watched her grin wickedly up at him as she nodded and he kissed her urgently. He felt her wrap her legs tighter around him as he felt her clenching around him, pulling him in with a grunt. He pulled back slightly to watch it wash over her face as her eyelids fluttered, her lips parted in moans as he felt the tremors through her body underneath him. He let out his own loud moan, watching her sending him to his own orgasm as he slammed into her hard, emptying deep inside as she pulled him in. She finally opened her eyes into his as he leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips before pulling out to lay beside her.

She stayed laying on her back for a minute, staring at the ceiling as she tried to catch her breath. She finally turned to rest her head on Chris's chest as he chuckled.

"God damnit woman. You're so fucking beautiful when you cum for me." He smiled as he heard her chuckle, looking down at her. "You're amazing. And you're sleeping here with me."

"Is that a command?"

"I won't take no for an answer, so yes." He smiled again as she giggled, nodding as she pulled the blanket up and over them.


Chris woke up with a jolt as he felt Kara leap from the bed to run to the bathroom. He got up, pulling on his underwear as he stood at the door of the bathroom, hearing her throw up into the toilet. He let himself in to kneel beside her, grabbing her hair out of the way as he gently rubbed her back, "are you okay babe? My cooking couldn't have been that bad." He heard her groan, obviously not thinking his joke was funny as she pulled away from the toilet to lean back against the opposite wall. He watched her sit silently as she pulled her knees up to her chest, her eyes glazing over as she seemed lost in thought.

Kara desperately thought about the last time she had been with Kyle, counting the days as she tried to also remember the last time she had her period. She shook her head, it couldn't be. She suddenly felt nauseous again, this time at the possibility of him leaving her with this. She groaned, leaning back over the toilet as Chris still sat beside her. Once she was sure she was done, she stood up, trying to rinse her mouth out with water.

Chris watched her, opening a drawer beside her, handing her a new toothbrush for her to brush her teeth. He sighed, only watching her as he waited for her to speak. She seemed more vulnerable than ever, standing naked in his bathroom, her skin pale, her hands shaking. He went into the bedroom, grabbing one of his t-shirts and sweats. He handed it to her as she finished brushing her teeth, giving him a thankful smile as she pulled them both on. He didn't say anything, but wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body into his.

She felt safe with her head resting against his broad chest, his long arms wrapped around her as she sighed. But his brother was right, she was far too fucked up for him. She pulled away, picking up her panties as she felt him follow her to the living room. She grabbed the rest of her clothes and shoes, "I have to go home."

"Wait. No you don't." He tried to grab her hand but she pulled away from him before he could. "Please stay. I don't work today. Talk to me."

Kara shook her head, "no. I can't stay. I have to go Chris. I'm sorry, but your brother was right. I'm far too fucked up and broken for you."

"No!" His voice is louder as he tries to cut through her own internal struggle he knew she was focusing on. "No you aren't Kara."

She paused at the front door, "I'm pregnant Chris. With someone else's baby." She huffed softly, "talk about baggage. No, I can't stay."

Before he could fully process what she had said, he watched her leave his house, leaving him standing in the entryway in his underwear.

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