Chapter 11

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Kara sighs contently as she feels Chris's fingers running gently along her back as she opens her eyes. She looks up to see him watching her sleep as she grins, "that's not creepy."

Chris laughs, rolling her to her back, "I know. But I have to get up and get ready for work. I wanted to wait until the last possible minute to wake you up."

She sighed, turning to see the time as just after 4 am. "Fucking hell Chris. I can't spend the night here anymore." She hears him laugh again as she groans, sitting up as he gets out of bed.

"I know. You can stay until you have to get up. Just lock up when you go. I'll leave you coffee in the kitchen." He sits on the edge of the bed as he pushes her gently back onto the bed. He rests his hand on her stomach, "just one cup though."

She nodded, annoyed, "I don't even know what I'm doing about it yet Chris. It's only been a few days since I found out."

"You have plenty of time. Do you want to talk about it?" He watches her pull the blanket up to her chin as she shakes her head, "okay. Well, when you're ready."

She smiles as he leans down to press a kiss to her forehead before getting up to get dressed. She watches him pull on his uniform in the faint light of the cracked door of the bathroom behind him. She bites her lip as she watches him fasten his belt around his waist, turning back to look at her. "I never get tired of seeing you in your uniform. That's for sure."

Chris laughs as he pulls on his shoes, sitting on the bed beside her. "I know. I can see it in your eyes. I can practically smell your arousal from here."

She giggles as she rolls to her back as he leans over to rest a hand on the other side of her, "maybe it's just the handcuffs that turns me on. The ones you haven't used yet."

Chris lets out a small growl, hovering his mouth over hers. "If you didn't have to also go to work, I would gladly cuff you to the bed right here for you to wait for me all day." He smiles as she lets out a squeal as he pins her arms above her head before planting a kiss on her lips, his other hand taking the opportunity to grab at her breasts. "Behave yourself. I'll see you later." He avoids looking back at her when she whimpers behind him, only shaking his head as he leaves her alone, naked in his bed.


Kara exits the school at the end of the day to find Chris's patrol car parked next to her car in the parking lot. She throws her stuff in the backseat before throwing her arms around his neck, "I swear officer, I've done nothing. I've been a good girl."

Chris grins, wrapping his arms around her waist, "somehow I doubt that very much." He smiles into her mouth as he hears her moan as his tongue finds her quickly before she pulls away.

"You know. I've been pregnant the whole time I've known you. What if this is only pregnancy hormones?" She smiles as he laughs loudly, catching the attention of some of the other teachers that were walking to their own cars.

"Come on darling, we both know that isn't true." He runs the back of his knuckles gently along her cheek as she grins.

"Did you just call me darling?"

He nodded, smiling as he moved his hand to her jaw, running his thumb over her lower lip, "I did. Did you like it?"

Kara shrugged, giving him a sideways smirk, "you might have to do it again. What are you doing here?"

"I had a break and wanted to see if you wanted to come over for dinner. Around 7."

She sighed, watching him, "I know what you're doing. But you can't watch me 24 hours a day Chris. I have my own home and a sister I still need to have an actual conversation with about all this."

"I know." Chris let out a long sigh, "I just feel better having you near me."

"Well we aren't married or even your girlfriend. I don't owe you all my time."

Chris shrugged, "you are absolutely my girlfriend. Unless you're telling me you're spending time in some other man's bed."

Kara laughed, "you know that I'm not."

He grinned, "well then darling, exclusivity points to girlfriend."

She let out a small moan, nodding as she crashed her lips into his once more before pulling away from him completely. "Well fine then, boyfriend. Go back to work. I have to go."

"Fine. Call me before you go to bed so I can hear your voice."

She grinned, "deal. Now go." She laughed as she watched him roll his eyes before climbing into her car and driving off.


Kara strolled up and down aisles of the grocery store after dinner, looking over the list Elisa gave her. She almost had the store memorized by now, but still, she forgot things. Just as she is finishing, she turns a corner, almost colliding with someone. "I'm so sor—" She stops in her tracks when she looks up to catch his angry gaze. "What are you doing here?"

He locks eyes with her, his mouth turning at the corner into a wicked grin, "I'm here for what belongs to me. I'm here for you."

She shakes her head, trying to shake the fear along with it as she backs up from him. Her knuckles are white, gripping onto the handle of the cart as she keeps it wedged between them. "I don't belong to you. I'm a person. Just leave me alone." She tried to push past him but she felt him grip her arm, making her wince in pain.

"We're not done sweetheart. I'll never be done with you. In fact, I'm just getting started."

She feels him let go of her arm before walking away, her heart still beating in her chest. She abandons her cart, leaving it in the middle of the aisle as she rushes to her car. She has it in motion, hurling it down the street as she fastens her seatbelt. How the fuck did he find me so quickly? She starts to drive home before changing directions, finding herself on Chris's doorstep, knocking furiously.

Chris opens the door to find an obviously frightened Kara in front of him as he pulls her inside, shutting the door behind her. He wraps his arms around her as she hurls herself into his chest, "babe. What is it?"

She keeps her head buried in his chest and he can only make out one word, "Kyle."

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