Chapter 7

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Chris opened the door to find Kara in front of him with a bottle of wine, "hi." He kissed her cheek, moving to let her into his house as he grabbed the bottle. "You didn't have to bring anything."

Kara shrugged as she removed her coat, "I couldn't come with nothing."

Chris nodded, gesturing for her to walk in front of him as he checked out her dark blue dress with thin straps that hugged her curves. He heard her chuckle in front of him as they entered the kitchen, "what?"

She turned back to him from the kitchen table, "I know why you insisted I walk in front of you."

Chris laughed, blushing slightly as he motioned for her to sit at the table, "I'm sorry."

Kara shrugged as Chris set down a plate of chicken with potatoes and broccoli in front of her before sitting across from her. "It's fine. I'd have done that same thing if you were in front of me." She watched his eyes light up with humor as he belly laughed, making her laugh. "It's good we find each other attractive, yeah?"

Chris nodded, "I suppose so, yeah." He watched her for a minute, her blue eyes had slowly become brighter since he first met her, "so I couldn't help but notice a look between you and Spencer's dad."

Kara groaned, "we were doing so well." She heard him chuckle as she sighed. "Back when I lived in New York, Elisa also lived in New York, and I was dating Eddie; Eddie is Spencer's dad. Anyways, they ending up sleeping together and wham, Spencer appears. I was so angry, I moved to Maine. They moved to Boston because Eddie got a job offer and Elisa wanted her son to be near his father. They were never together after that, but it took me a long time to forgive Elisa. I'm not sure I have forgiven Eddie yet. I hadn't seen him since the birth of Spencer." She took a big swig of the wine before setting it back down, "until recently again of course."

"Wow. Were you and Eddie serious?"

She chuckled, "I mean, I had thought so, but maybe not. I thought we were in love." Chris watched her fiddle with her fork, pushing food around. "Seems I'm no good at love."

"That's not true." He reached across the table, grabbing her hand, "they were no good at it, not you."

She nodded, capturing his eyes with hers as she looked up. His blue eyes never changed for her, they were always that sky blue, and kind. She gave him a smile, "it's fine. I'm just trying to move on from it all now."

Chris smiled, "as you should."

She motioned to her plate, "this is great. Nice to find a guy that can cook."

He laughed, "I can cook some things. I'm glad you like though. Jessica used to complain about everything I cooked all the time, not even bothering to cook herself."

Kara laughed, "she sounds great." She watched Chris laugh again and shrug.

"Sometimes we are blinded by who we see someone to be that we don't see who they actually are."

She chuckled softly as she nodded, "that's one way to look at it, yeah." Once they finished eating, she stood at the sink starting to do the dishes when she felt Chris come up behind her, pressing his body to her back as he turned off the water.

"Don't worry about that. I'll do it later after you leave. Watch a movie with me instead?"

She nodded as she grabbed his hand, letting him lead her to the sitting room. She sat beside him on the couch, their legs touching as he turned on the tv, flipping through as she watched him.

Chris felt Kara watching him as he looked over at her, feeling her grip his thigh. He didn't have a chance to say anything, feeling her lips on his as he tossed the remote on the coffee table. He moaned from deep in his throat as he grabbed her hand on his leg, pulling her onto his lap.

She gave him a grin, hiking her dress up to her waist so she could straddle him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt his hands gently on her back as she crushed her mouth to his, kissing him hungrily as she bore her hips down on him.

"Kara, I—" He watched her stand up before he could finish his sentence as she pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders, letting her dress fall to the floor, kicking off her shoes as she did.

"I'm not going to break if you touch me." She grinned as she heard another moan, his eyes becoming darker with the lust she wanted to see. She watched him kick off his shoes as she pulled on the bottom of his sweater, pulling it up and over his head as she tossed it on the floor with her dress. Chris let out a small grunt as she practically jumped back onto his lap. This time he gripped her tighter, holding her body flush to his as he undid her bra, watching her pull it off.

He pulled back slightly, taking in the full view of her face, the hunger in her eyes and the tempting smile on her lips, "you're sure?"

Kara groaned, almost whining, "yes Chris. Please. I trust you. I want you to take me to bed. Please." She let out a small squeal as she giggled, Chris not needing any other encouragement as she felt him stand up from the couch with her still wrapped around him. She grinned, kissing and biting at his neck and shoulder as she felt him carry her to his bedroom. She heard a small growl erupt from his chest as she bit at the delicate skin at the base of his neck as he entered his bedroom, kicking the door shut with his foot.

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