Chapter 9

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Elisa opens the door thirty minutes after Kara arrived to find Chris standing in front of her, "what are you doing here? And what's wrong with my sister? She wouldn't say anything, just went into the shower and hasn't came back out." She looked at her watch, "it's been almost thirty minutes."

Chris groaned, entering the house as Elisa moved to the side to let him in. "Can I talk to her?"

Elisa crossed her arms, inspecting him, "fine." She gestured to the bathroom where her sister was as she watched him enter.

Kara heard the door to the bathroom open and shut but didn't do anything as she sat on the floor of the shower with her knees pulled to her chest as she let the now cold water wash over her.

Chris opened the curtain to see Kara on the floor, "baby. What are you doing?!" He turned the water off before grabbing her a towel. She didn't move from her spot or even look up at him. He knelt on the ground just outside the shower at her eye level as he grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him, "get out. Come on."

She shook her head, pulling out of his grip, "you shouldn't be here Chris. I told you I couldn't stay."

"Well I don't give a shit what you say." He hooked his arms under her arms, pulling her to her feet. His disregard for her wishes seemed to shock her as she only stared at him as he helped her out of the shower.

She pointed to the test on the counter next to the sink, showing him the two pink lines as he shook his head.

"I don't care about that right now. I care about getting you into warm, dry clothes." He dried her off the best her could as she continued to only watch him, not saying anything. He wrapped the towel around her before lifting her to him, feeling her rest her head against his chest as he exited the bathroom.

Elisa didn't say anything, only pointed to Kara's room as she watched Chris take her into her room, closing the door behind them. She went into the bathroom to clean up after Kara, seeing the pregnancy test on the counter, feeling her stomach tighten up with worry, now knowing what was wrong with her sister. "Fuck."

Chris sat Kara on the bed as he began to open drawers. This seemed to irritate her, making her stand up to push him out of the way.

"I know we've slept together, but that doesn't give you the right to go through my underwear drawer!"

He crosses his arms, watching her pull clothes out of her dresser before she turned to face him.

"Turn around."

Chris laughed, "you're serious? I just pulled you naked out of the shower. And I spent all night naked with you in my bed, and now you're shy about dressing in front of me?"

She rolled her eyes, understanding his logic, but feeling annoyed nonetheless as he just continued to stand there. "You're very intrusive."

Chris only laughed again, looking at the ceiling to imply giving her privacy as she got dressed. Once she was finished he watched her take a stance against him, watching him.

"What are you doing here?"

He watched her shiver, still cold from the water as he sighed. He relaxed his arms, pulling the blanket of her bed down before pushing her gently but firmly onto the bed as she grunted. He knew he was irritating her, intruding on her space but he didn't want her slipping into the darkness he could only assume she was capable of. It was obvious by the cuts on her legs how she dealt with things and he didn't want to imagine her hurting herself to avoid what was happening. She didn't fight against him though, not with her actions, not with her body. She let him push her into bed, pulling the blanket over her as he removed his shoes. He crawled into bed beside her, turning to face her.

She watched him smile at her but she didn't have one to offer in return as she only glared at him. She thought she made it clear she didn't want to be around him but here he was inserting himself into her life, into her bed, into her head. "What are you doing here? I can't be with you."


She leaned up on her elbow, "what do you mean, bullshit?!"

He sighed, "I mean bullshit. It's not that we can't be together, it's that you're scared I would have told you I didn't want to be with you anymore. So you made the decision all by yourself without giving me a chance."

She sat all the way up, still looking at him as he sat up beside her. "I'm pregnant Chris. With someone else's baby. With the baby of the man that, who—"

She didn't finish her sentence as he watched the tears overtake her. He pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her as she cried. "The man that abused you? I know." He sighed, "was it more than that?" He didn't ask what he wanted to ask, that this degenerate forced himself on her because he could already feel the answer radiating from her body.

She looked up at him as she wiped her face with the palms of her hands, "this baby wasn't conceived out of love by any means. It would be different if all my experiences were like last night with you. But they haven't been. In fact, I've had very few nights like last night with a man. I don't know why you're here. I don't even know what I'm doing yet Chris. I'm not done processing."

"I know you aren't. That's why you can't make the decision to push me away. You're not in the right state of mind to make any rash decisions right now." He smiled as she giggled, shaking her head. "So I refuse to let you push me away. Especially not like this Kara. I'll be here while you decide what to do, no matter your choice, I'm not leaving you."

She brought her hand up to his cheek, "why are you so nice?"

He smiled, resting his forehead against hers, "I knew there was something here when I pulled you over, and so do you. You're stubborn, but I'm patient." He heard her finally fully laugh for him, it almost reaching her eyes as she did. It was good enough for him for now as he leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips before laying her back on the bed beside him. He pulled her back to his chest, pulling the blanket back over them. "Let's just lie here for a while, yeah?"

Kara sighed, "okay."

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