Chapter 16

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Kara offered Scott a small smile when he entered the exam room a week after her accident. "Hello Dr. Scott."

"Ms. Montgomery. How are you feeling?"

She shrugged, "like I fell down a flight of stairs?"

He grabbed the bottom of her shirt, asking silent permission to pull it up so he could examine her ribs. She gave him a nod as she helped him, wincing slightly. "They seem to be healing well." He moved on to her head next, to inspect her stitches. He sighed, pulling away to look at her, "have you talked to Chris?"

She groaned, "no offense, but you are my doctor, not my friend."

"We could be. We should be, Kara." He paused for a moment as he watched her, "he loves you. I've honestly never seen him like this before. Please, you have to talk to him."

"You said so yourself that I wasn't good enough for him. Now he can have a baby and a family and be happy."

"No." He rested his hand on hers, "I was wrong when I said that. I didn't know you yet, and I certainly hadn't seen your impact on him. I'm sorry Kara."

She sighed, "I appreciate that, but you don't know anything about me. I don't think I can do it."

Scott took a step back as she stood up, "I know. Just talk to him, that's all I ask."

Kara nodded, turning back to him from the door, "you don't think she could be lying about him being the father, do you?"

Scott crossed his arms over his chest, "I've considered it. I wouldn't put it past her. I promise I'll find out."

She nodded once before leaving the office, thinking about Scott's own suspicions.


Kara groaned when she looked up from her desk to see Chris enter her classroom, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you that we haven't been able to find Kyle. He seems to have disappeared." He sighed, sitting on the edge of the desk beside me, "I wish there were more I could do. I'm sorry."

She sighed and nodded as she looked up at him, "I know. Anything else?"

"Yes." He leaned towards her, brushing some hair out of her face, "I miss you Kara."

"Chris. Please don't." She pulled away from him but he grabbed her hands, making her stand up. He grabbed her chin delicately, forcing her to look up at him as he leaned down to kiss her before pulling her to his chest.

"I can't do this without you."

She sighed, looking at the ground as he rested his hands at her waist, "you were doing just fine before me. You'll be fine now."

"That's just it Kara." He grabbed her chin once more to make her look at him, "I was fine before you. But ever since I pulled you over, you've become a part of me. I can't imagine moving forward without you. Tell me you don't love me Kara."

She groaned, "I do. But—" He didn't wait for her to finish the sentence, pressing his lips firmly to hers as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. He backed her up against the wall behind her desk, pinning her against the wall with his body.

"No buts Kara. We need to both stop running from each other because of our pasts. I need you."

"I don't think you realize how hard it was for me last time. Finding out Eddie got Elisa pregnant. Watching her have a baby with the man I loved. The man I wanted to have kids with." She shook her head, "I don't know if I can handle it happening again. Seeing her carrying your baby. I hate it Chris. I hate her."

Chris sighed as he nodded, "I know. And I get it, I really do. But you have to know that no matter what happens that it's you that I want to be with. And I can't do this without you, I just can't. Please, come over tonight?"

Kara stood for a few moments in silence before nodding, "fine. But I need a few minutes. Wait for me and I'll follow you?"

Chris grinned, kissing her on the cheek before pulling away, "sure thing."

She went back to her desk to finish up preparing for the following day when she heard Chris's phone ring. She listened to the one sided conversation where he agreed to meet someone the next day before hanging up. "Who was that?"

"Scott. He said it's about time for my yearly physical, wants me to come in tomorrow."

She watched him lean against the wall in front of her desk as she nodded, going back to her stuff. When she finished, she stood in front of him, "promise me you won't keep stuff from me anymore. I was going crazy all day when you wouldn't talk to me."

Chris groaned, grabbing her hand, "I know. And I'm really sorry. Truth is, I was still trying to process it. I planned on talking to you when you got home. But I shouldn't have shut you out completely. I promise I won't do it again. I'm sorry."

She nodded, "okay. I promise I'll try not to shut you out too. Okay?"

He smiled as he nodded, "thank you. Come on, let me make you dinner."

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