Chapter 27

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Kara turned to the knock on the door of her bridal room where she was getting ready with Elisa and Sophia. She watched Eddie and Scott peek their heads in with smiles.

Sophia squealed, leaping into Scott's arms with a smile. He laughed, "I'm here for this girl and to make sure you're ready?"

Kara nodded nervously, "how's Chris?"

Eddie chuckled, stepping completely into the room, "he's great. Happy and excited. And you..." He grabbed her elbow gently, "you look beautiful love."

She smiled, "thanks. Okay. You guys go. I'll be out in a minute." She watched everyone leave but Eddie, him shutting the door behind them, "what's up?"

"Can I have two seconds of your time?"

Kara chuckled, "of course you can. What is it?"

He sighed, "I was wondering if it was okay with you if I propose to Claire at the reception?"

She practically squealed as she wrapped her arms around him, "of course you can!" She pulled away with a smile on her face, "in fact, let me help you? I have an idea."

Eddie grinned, "really? That's so great. Thanks Kara."

She shook her head dismissively, "of course. You're my best friend and I really love Claire. Now get out. Wedding should be starting any minute."

He nodded, leaning down to kiss her cheek, "I'm so happy for you love."

She nudged him away from her, "don't make me cry before the vows." She heard him laugh as he left her alone in the room. After a few minutes, she heard her song begin to play, indicating it was her turn to walk down the aisle. She stepped through the double doors leading out to the aisle, seeing Chris standing at the end. She saw everyone stand around her, her eyes locked on Chris.


Kara felt Chris grab her hand, leaning down to kiss her cheek as they were announced for their first dance as husband and wife. She let him lead her out onto the dance floor, pulling her body flush to his as the song started. Chris leaned down to her ear, "it's been a long week and I'm not sure I can make it back home tonight."

She giggled, biting her lip as she looked up to see the lust in his eyes. She nodded, "maybe we could sneak away? After all, it's our party so we can do what we like?"

Chris moaned, nodding adamantly, "yes please, darling. I need to christen that dress of yours."

"After cake. Now be quiet and dance with me." She heard him chuckle as she rested her head against his chest, feeling him rest his head on hers.

🎵Oh, the moment that
My eyes fell on you
I asked my heart to stop
Giving in too soon
And, oh, the moment that
I first heard your voice
It was the perfect pitch
In a world of noise
Stay with me tonight
Let your senses lose this fight
In the open wilderness of love
Let me show you how
You should never be without
So lay your weary hand on mine
And I'll show you who this heart beats for
Oh, the moment that
You first graced my hand
Oh, I felt the tides
Push my heart to land
So stay with me tonight
Let your senses lose this fight
In the open wilderness of love
Let me show you how
You should never be without
So lay your weary hands on mine
And I'll show you who this heart beats for
Oh, the moment that
You let me kiss your face
You burned in my soul
Never to replace
Let me show you how
You should never be without
So lay your weary hands on mine
And I'll show you who this heart beats for🎵

When it came time for Chris and Kara to throw the bouquet and garter, they both gathered onto the dance floor. A chair appeared in the middle of the floor as she sat down, blushing slightly as Chris knelt in front of her. She heard cheers as he disappeared under her dress. She yelped slightly when she felt him bite her inner thigh before retreating with the garter. She shook her head, hitting him in the chest as he laughed, offering her his hand to help her to her feet. They gathered the single men and the single women in front of either of them. They both turned away from the group to pretend to throw their prizes before turning back around to stalk towards Eddie and Claire. Kara handed over her bouquet to a confused Claire as Chris handed the garter to Eddie with a wink.

Eddie grinned, turning to Claire as he fell to one knee, everyone gasping around them. Kara felt Chris grip her waist, pulling her to him as they watched Eddie get engaged to Claire, everyone cheering.

Chris leaned down to her ear, "I think we can disappear for a bit now." He didn't wait for a response, hearing Kara giggle as he dragged her away from the party and into her bridal room. He pushed her against the wall, riding the skirt of her dress up as he did. "Thank god you didn't settle on a giant skirt."

Kara giggled, "I thought you might not be able to wait." She heard him moan as she found the fly of his slacks, letting him free of them as they felt o the ground. He didn't waste any time thrusting into her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, both of their moans drowned out by each other's mouths.

When they finished and returned back to the party, Kara blushed slightly as Scott laughed, rolling his eyes, "you guys are ridiculous."

Chris shrugged, "we've officially entered our honeymoon period."

Kara laughed as she grabbed his hand, "I think we're technically past that but I'm all for restarting."

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